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Everything posted by morritzio

  1. I own both 3d coat and Substance Painter and while painter has some really cool features like edge wear effects, painting with particles etc you'll still need Substance Designer and a good map baking solution to get the most out of it. Also performance wise 3d coat is vastly more responsive than Substance Painter, and that holds true even if painting 8k or 16k maps. Painter lags quite badly even at it's lesser 4k limit. The Substance toolset definitely excels in creating textures for games and I'm a fan of all their software, but outside of games it pales in comparison to the likes of 3d coat, Mudbox and Mari. For high fidelity texture painting and a more artist friendly 'painterly feel' I'd definitely recommend 3d coat at this point. The deal sealer being PBR now getting implemented in 3d coat, which was previously it's only weakness in this comparison.
  2. The ability to lock any paint layer would be a really handy feature period . I've found layer 0 to have some use being visible though, in that if you export the layer as a PSD you get the UV wireframe layout as a channel and the UV islands as a second channel. I've found both really handy for editing my masks and textures in Photoshop. Slightly off topic : but what would also be really nice to have, would be folders in the paint room layer stack. With the ability apply a mask to the folder and have it propagate to all layers in the folder like in Substance Painter. That functionality with a PBR shader system and 3D Coat would beat any texturing application I've used hand down!
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