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Everything posted by al_stig

  1. Ok, I found the solution for the Blender so far, but I will test more. Back to maya...
  2. There is a huge missunderstending here. Please read what I wrote. I've installed 2023 version now and unistalled the one from 2021 even it was the same version. But that is NOT the issue. The issue is with confusing directories, or something inside the 3D coat which is triggering it to read file from maya or blender. There is so many 3D coat directories under documents folder, which are sort of referencing each other, but for sure they are not empty. Also I didn't find anything about reading USD file format either. Ok, so I did fresh install, lost the packs or not, I don't care at this stage. We need detailed explanation not only about the applink (which I followed to a T and got me nowhere). Also some versions back this worked and it doesn't work anymore. I will continue digging to figure it out, but I feel really not supported in this. Please check on your end about what triggers 3D coat to read fbx files from blender or maya. Do I need to use the applink installer ? Same issue as here: I wasn't installing the applink before... Thank you.
  3. In the meantime I've managed to make it work without this, but this is great instructions and help, thank you so much. But... I've tried both maya and blender link neither work. The issue is that if I export from blender it just doesn't register that I've exported something from blender, and more or less the same with maya. I've upgraded to the latest version of 3D coat and it keeps installing it into 3Dcoat-2021 directory. Could this be the problem ? How to fix any of this ? How the updater finds where to install ? Can I rename the directory and try updater again ? I really think that this should be sorted. I'm catching up with python, maya applink is still on mental ray, it needs update to arnold and/or maybe USD shader. I hope I could do something about it, but I think that there is no significant care about the applinks and I don't think this is fair. Workflow is THE MOST IMPORTANT THING. Thanks
  4. Hi, I think this depends on the exchange directory, probably this should be changed: loadPlugin("3dc_applink.py"); 3D-Coat settings: maya.exe path: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2024/bin/maya.exe user docs path: C:\Users\USERNAME 3dcoat maya dir: C:\Users\USERNAME/3D-CoatV4/Exchange/Maya maya project dir: E:/projects/Jacket/ maya 3dcoat dir: E:/projects/Jacket/3dcoat/ Except the shader issue, regardless of 3d-coat or 3dcoatgl64 I get the following error: coatExport(3); <Applink> Export mode [uv] // Error: line 1: TypeError: file C:/Users/10/Documents/maya/2024/plugins/3dc_applink.py line 1034: startswith first arg must be bytes or a tuple of bytes, not str Same line as above... Not sure if this would be the only issue, but trying to get as far as I can... if line.lower().startswith(b'3dcoatgl64'): If I add b in front (b'3dcoatgl64') , it doesn't report the error, but still nothing happens. It seems to be working partially because if 3d coat is not running it opens it. I might be going silly but maybe there are no options inside 3D coat to except the maya link ?
  5. Hi, I've tried to convert the python with 2to3 using some suggestions from the following website: https://matiascodesal.com/blog/how-to-convert-maya-python-2-code-to-python-3/ This is the result. In this code I got by conversion I got an error on line 1020 1020 return wrapinstance(long(ptr), QtGui.QMainWindow) After I changed long to int, I could actually load the plugin. I've added the 3D coat path into settings (via mel shelf ) and tried to send the mesh to 3D coat for retopo, etc. Now I'm getting the error in the following line: 1034 if line.lower().startswith('3d-coat'): Can you help ? Thanks conversion_log.txt 3dc_applink.py 3dc_applink.py.bak
  6. Hi, Maya has an uplink which worked in python 2. It need update to python 3, which I would guess doesn't need too much work. It's not creating a feature just updating. It is very important feature for the workflow and speed. Regarding other features, I'm always more for the bug fixes and stabilizing GUI. There were many changes, so I would suggest keeping whatever is there and improving existing tools. Stable application is the most important in my view.
  7. Where is update for the Maya Uplink ? Maya switched to python 3 a while ago and I don't see the new updated uplink. I think the whole uplink section needs urgent rehash, because at the moment, for new client, it seems that only Blender is supported. Thanks
  8. We really need much better uplink updates across the board. Please fix that, this is really important issue, I don't see this being addressed, with exception to Blender. That is good, but please update other as well...
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