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  1. @SERGYI I have read your messages, they make me feel sympathetic and a little sad. Studying the history of Pigway and having conversations with some of the developers, I am beginning to understand your burden and the burden of the team as a whole. In my subjective opinion, one of the reasons is Mr. Andrew himself as the head of the company, who took on too much for himself and the team. Too many ideas, too many ambitions, the desire to become the new Blender, creates a big burden that a small team can hardly lift (as far as I know, you are about 5 programmers). About Linux, okay, I get it. Actually, in my video I tested the last two builds, as you wrote 32-1 and 27-1. I follow the forum and try to follow your instructions. I think it will not be always easy for me to recognize which problems in 3DCoat are Linux only and which are common, but I will try. “3DCoat project is essentially a Windows-only project” - yeah i felt that. I learned this after I bought it. You just get enough sleep , I'll wait
  2. I can take participate. Also, did you watch my video which i sent you a few days ago at your email? You didn't write any response.
  3. @SreckoM Yes, I understand your point, and you know - you're right. I can't deny anything. We have to thinks about regular user not only Linux enthusiasts i forgot about it for a minute. Also the advantage of flatpak is an additional marketplace flathub, why not. Imagine install 3DCoat, from terminal, that's sounds great for me. Also it can give you a bit more advertisements. Some Linux youtubers can make video about it "10 3DSoft for linux you should try" =)
  4. @SERGYI I installed Ubuntu 20.04 just to test, your latest build. I made a quick look 3DCoat behave same as on my Mint 22. My table pressure didn't work, also painting behave weird. Give me couple days, i need more time to do more test, i will record a video for you, to make it clear and understandable. About 3DCoat Linux future. I agree with @Sorn. I want to add a few words. 1. You don't have to be compatible in every distribution. You can be compatible with only one distribution, and that's ok. Many developers do that: Maya(redhat only), DaVicnci(Rocky only), Substance(Ubuntu only). I managed to run all of them on Debian, Mint, Ubuntu, Fedora. Yes it wasn't always smooth but i did ) With Maya it was a fun story, look at this, Autodesk says to me "man don't do that" but i did https://www.autodesk.com/support/technical/article/caas/tsarticles/ts/653FjR7SuamMJ5Y4v9XkXg.html But what is important, you don't have to be outdated, you have to fit with this platform, distro which you chose. I managed to run your 2024.06 on Fedora, but i can't use in properly, not because you don't support it, but because it super old, modern Fedora just don't understand what is GTK2 , but Debian 12 understand what is it ) 2. GTK4 or Flatpak? Really don't care . Here's my point. If you choose to use Flatpak, I will say - great, now i can run 3DCoat in any distribution. If you choose GTK4, i will say - great, 3DCoat is a modern 3D soft. But distribution which don't support gtk4 won't be able to run 3DCoat - It's their problem. If you make a 3DCoat on GTK4 i will find a distribution which can handle it, the reason is very simple - gtk3 is old. gtk4 - it's an actual version for a few years. The Linux distribution which don't support gtk4 is dead for me, that's all. Come on, you are not Linux user, if you don't jump from distribution to distribution . If you decide to make GTK4 and it will work properly in Ubuntu 24.04, but it won't work in my any distro because it doesn't support gtk4, i swear I will not say anything bad about you. I will say Segryi did good job, Segryi made a good porting on modern technology, і взагалі Сергій красава, так тримати. Goodbye my distro - your're too old now. It doesn't important for me how you do that, GTK4, Flatpak, .deb package, .run script, you can even switch to Qt ), but what is important for me, it must work, it must support my hardware and not to be an old grandpa.
  5. Ok, i am following "Linux updates news" i will test your new build and then I'll write to you. I need couple days.
  6. In Windows terms, it's the same as saying on my Windows 8 everything works fine, i don't know what you talking about. We already have Windows 11, Windows 12 coming soon, guys. 20.04 support end in april 2025. I don't want to use old and outdated OS for one soft, while your competitors offer good linux support for modern OS. Your link lead me to 2024.28-02 version (i tested it technically work but not suitable for work), i guess you mean 2024.32-1.
  7. I want to give a detailed answer to this question. While working on my character, I formed a mixed opinion about 3DCoat. After doing some research on the history of Pigway development, as well as being your free user for about 0.5 years and a paid customer for 1 year, I am pessimistic about the license renewal. Because I am almost sure that what I will write below you will not implement in the coming years and especially it will not be done in 3DCoat 2025 because 2025 is already here, so you do not have time. But you asked the question, so let's get started I have divided the factors into three categories: Key Features (72%) Here are the key things for me that will convince me to renew my license. Linux and graphics tablet support I am a Linux user, Linux is my main working OS. One of the reasons I bought 3DCoat is the Linux support. 3DCoat has been transitioning to GTK3 for a year now. The current version 2024-28-2 is not workable, and my graphics tablet does not work with it. 3DCoat 2024.06 does not work properly with modern Linux operating systems (including Ubuntu). Also, this version requires additional settings from the terminal to make my graphics tablet more-less work. I do not like this. Programs such as Maya, Blender, Mari, Substance Painter/Designer (steam Linux version) support my graphics tablet out of the box without any additional settings, and also has a much better support of linux than 3DCoat. Painting Room I'm not going to say anything new here: non-destructive workflow like in Painter, adjusments layers. Levels, Curves for mask adjustments. An interesting fact is that the first written request I found for these features was dated 2018. 7 years later, Pigway has not made any changes in this direction. https://3dcoat.com/forum/index.php?/topic/21935-request-adjustment-layers/#comment-150890 Personally, I would like to have an improved HDRI and light baking tool as it is done in Substance painter, where everything happens in real time. In 3DCoat, this process is less convenient and slow. I use this tool for stylized texturing without traditional hand-paint. Baking. I had problems with baking overlapped UV, so I made a bug report. Also, I would like you to add anti-aliasing samples for the normal map. All your maps such as curvature, AO, thickness and others have this option, but the normal map does not, what the hell. Improved drawing system. I really like the way Krita brush system is implemented, it has a library of various tools that simulate real-world artistic tools. My favorites are the blending tools such as “Blender Smear” and “Wet knife plus”, which allow you to mix colors. Technically, it's a combination of smudge and blur, but their algorithm is better and gives a more beautiful result. By the way, Gimp also has a similar technology, it's called “MyPaint”, I leave some screenshots. Sculpt room Good news - This is the best that 3DCoat has to offer Bad news - Yes, this is the best that 3DCoat has to offer ©@Grakino This is how I can describe this room. To be honest I didn't test it enough to describe a major problems or missing features of this room. I really like what I have already learned and practiced in this room. The Sculpt room has set the standard of quality that other rooms simply cannot match. I have found some bugs and shortcomings in the sculpt room, but overall I like everything about it. I need more time to study it to form a more objective opinion about it. This is my ZBrush alternative for this year. For me, the Sculpt room is a key component of 3DCoat, and any improvements to it will be welcomed and will influence my decision to renew my license. Partially influence my opinion (26%) Here are a few things I would like to see you improve, but still not major for me to renew the license. Retopo room I made a video about this room, where I gave my opinion about it in detail. Here I'll leave short theses. There are a lot of bugs and flaws. The most buggy were smart retopo and smart extrude. In the process of retopology, I was forced to abandon them just to finish my work. I hate poly groups. I absolutely do not like the way you made poly groups tab, especially in comparison with sculpt tree. This room doesn't have everything that Sculpt tree has, namely: parent-child groups, selecting multiple poly groups via shift key, poly groups don't have their own local transform (pivot), when you right-click in the context menu there is only one option “set color reference” - and that's it?! And many other things that I described in the video. After Sculpt room, I really felt the loss of 3DCoat's quality. UV and UV Room Your UV room is not capable of handling both pain objects and poly groups. With this issue, you have confused me and many other users about where to do UV unwrap. Good thing there are tutorials on YouTube. UV unwraping is simply worse than your competitors. For me, the key problem was that all the tools in the Commands tab work with the entire UV. I can't do Unwrap, Pack, or Scale with selected UV points or islands. Your UV needs more flexibility, because I can't make the UV unwrapping gradually at the moment. I have to do all UV seams for the whole model first and only then I have to do Unwarp, otherwise I will have one island that is nice and the rest is a mess. I can't mark seams in UV Preview. It is also quite limited in use than 3D Viewport. The strange thing is that there are things I can do in 3D Viewport that are not available in UV Preview. In short, when you created UV Preview, you literally meant a Preview, not UV Editor. Fix UI & UX mess I have partially touched on this topic in my videos. I'm not the first one to talk about it, so I'll describe a few illustrative moments. Baking. We have Bake in Retopo/Modeling rooms where we can bake only normal map. We have Baking tools in Painting rooms, namely: Bake menu in which we cannot bake, we can re-bake. And we can make copy of paint object and move it to sculpt object, what? Textures -> Texture baking tools to get projection of maps. Edit -> Light Baking Tools where we can do baking, I'm sorry “Calculating” of other maps, except AO it has its own menu. Edit -> Calculate Oclusion -> baking calculating AO only. Edit -> Bake Calculate Curvature - just in case if you can't find it in Light baking tools, developers made copy here. Symmetry. We have the symmetry in the symmetry menu - everything is fine. We have symmetry in the top symmetry menu, which can enable/disable symmetry and open the symmetry menu. We have apply symmetry in the Mesh menu. We have Virtual Mirror Mode which is found in the Mesh menu and which will not work until you enable symmetry in the symmetry tab. Smart Retopo - it has 9 modes, 3 original, and 6 buggy copy of exist tools, why? All 9 tools have built-in hotkeys that you cannot change. Why? You can't do UV in the UV Room for poly groups. This is a violation of the 3DCoat philosophy that says each room has a role to play. One of the problems with developers is the unhealthy tendency to break, copy one idea, one technology into several parts and scatter them in different places in the program. Almost no influence (2%) Things that will not convince me to renew my license. Unless you surprise me. Modeling room - a stillborn room, not suitable for more-less serious projects. I don't want you to waste your resources on fixing it. At least in the coming years. You have higher-priority rooms. CAD room - it has a risks to repeat the fate of the modeling room. It's better to use your resources to fix the Retopo room. Render room - it is simply worse than the competition, I have nothing to add. It is good for showing intermediate results to the client. You can't make a live render for publishing on the site (like Sketchfab, Marmoset), you can't render animations (like Sketchfab, Marmoset, Arnold, Vray, Cycles, Redshifts and tons of other render soft). In short, I don't take this room seriously and I don't want you to waste your time on it. Photogrammetry room - I didn't use it. Tweak room - i made a tweak in Painting room. Never use it. Also i think painting objects should be as reference of polygroups, not as independent 3DObjects. Paint in Painting room, Tweak in Modeling room. Factures room - didn't use it. Simplest room - didn't use it. KitBash room - didn't use it. 3DPrint room - I don't have a 3D printer. Usually, they have their own software for printing, which will objectively work better because of the close integration with their hardware. Nurbs room - I played around a bit, but didn't use it.
  8. Thank you Create a specific post about this it's a good idea, but at the same time it's a lot of work. It's not just write about it, but also show the process, make a lot of screenshots, and I would like to show a few short videos about some aspects. I like this idea, but I can't promise you anything. I need to think about it.
  9. Most part of texturing done, but there are still things to do.
  10. Thank for advice, i appreciate. But to be honest these issues are minor for me, i know if i spend a bit more time with scan depth tool and topology I can get a better baking result. The major problem is 3DCoat can not bake model with overlapped UV. Substance Painter can do this. 3DCoat need extra UV set manipulation to do this. Also 3DCoat can't properly render Painter normal map. If you show me a solution of these problem i will be very appreciate. If you don't have it, send my message to developers, and maybe after year-two the problem will be solved .
  11. It didn't help. I made video comparison . Here a part of my model. https://mega.nz/folder/ELMjSIzC#YPYBSuUWvr9406OvL4M-rw
  12. I saw that video it didn't help in my case, only split UV set worked.
  13. I didn't have this issue in Painter, i have 10.1.2 steam version. I baked model without any extra steps. I have only one time scale high-poly issue because it need to be fbx not obj to keep right scale, one model - one uv set, with overlapped UV, that all. Some times Painter can have issues but i never fix it by changing UV set. I remember i split model by half and bake it, then re-import normal version, it's works, but not for 3DCoat because it make sew in the middle. Painter don't do it. I tried to move overlapped to another UV tile it's work but not for 3DCoat, because it think 3DCoat has lack support of UV tiles. I tried to make sure the symmetry direction is in right position, the point is Painter calculate map from left to right, so if i have original model in left side, and symmetry on the right Painter baking great, almost no issues (to be hones when i found out this i almost never have overlapped issues). My experience which i used for Painter didn't work for 3DCoat that was the problem, that's why it's taking so long for me. I first time change UV set to fix overlap issue, i never did this before for Painter.
  14. Thank. That was actually what i did. I moved all overlapped UV to separate UV set and bake it. Unfortunately it took me couple days to come up this decision, because i believed 3DCoat can bake overlapped maps it's i just did something wrong. I was wasting time to search a solution in wrong direction.
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