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Found 3 results

  1. win 8.1 ver 4.1.17d cuda dx64 I open up 3dc splash screen,Voxel sculpting,i pick / click on the Cube, all is fine I then just hit enter or apply and the default Cube (117,608 tris) has 3 of its edges have a bevel on them (the cube itself is has soft edges but these 3 are very different ) in view 4 (left) it would be the top and left edges.Is this normal and I just have not noticed it before? Same thing if I do a blank start up and add a primitive cube.Also if I choose splash screen surface sculpting ,CUBE hit enter it is fine in (s) surface mode hard edges but if I go to voxel (v) it then has the same 3 bevel edges there just not as bad. Even if I res+ it up 2 times (1,910,132) there still there just softer. Thanks for your time.
  2. So I decided to give the sculpting tools a shot so that I can fairly compare 3D Coat to my existing workflow to determine if it justifies the cost to purchase and have run into a few problems trying to replicate my previous workflow. I am wanting to find out how I can achieve the same results I get in Sculptris when I use the Grab tool. I found a tool in 3D Coat called Move, but it only grabs 1 pixel and drags this.. kind of works more like the Pinch tool from Sculptris. If anyone knows the name/way to use the right tool to achieve the same result please advise. EDIT I also have seen a Pointers counter at the bottom of the 3D Coat program and every time my cursor is over my model, it starts to rapidly count down. It was at -7000 a little ago and is now all the way to -12000. As this number decreases.. I am seeing my memory getting chewed up. this can't be good right? DOUBLE EDIT The larger the brush size the faster it decreases, the smaller the brush size the slower it decreases. I'm not clicking just hovering my cursor over the model with the Move tool selected. TRIPLE EDIT Is there a way to change how much detail is added or removed when you are sculpting. In Sculptris I was able to adjust the tessellation level so that it would either work without adding any new polygons or it would add extreme quantities of them. Using this method I was able to control the polycount in areas where high detail was not required. I'm just trying to determine how to achieve this same result inside of 3D Coat.
  3. From the early voxel sculpt implementation until today the computers are more and more powerful Voxel Sculpt becomes a really good way to sculpt models... but the tools are few. Now is time -for my POV- to add more tools (similar to surface mode tools when possible) just to expand the Voxel sculpt possibilities ty ------ Additional Information Its an idea for the new cycle that begin after V4 release. ------ mantis request (to add your support if you like the idea) http://3d-coat.com/m...view.php?id=967
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