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Found 5 results

  1. Hi all! I created repository on GitHub https://github.com/sshumihin/3DCoat_Applinks/tree/master/Applink_Cinema4D. There are plugins and source code for Win and Mac by Cinema version. Usage: Unzip zip, install, enjoy. Video tutorial on Vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/19510449. Svyatoslav S. Note: This seems to have an updated applink for R17: https://github.com/sshumihin/3DCoat_Applinks/tree/master/Applink_Cinema4D - If the "Import From 3D-Coat" feature doesn't work: Going to File>Open in Original App and in C4D clicking on "Import From 3D-Coat", does work.
  2. So this is bizarre. I followed tutorials, but when I open my file in Cinema 4D the UV is going crazy. The top part of the image is Coat 3D, which looks correct, but bringing it into Cinema 4D it looks like this (the bottom image).
  3. Hi all, I'm really new to 3D coat. I've been creating relatively low-poly object in Cinema4d then importing them into 3Dcoat to UVMap and texture them. My question: If I want to subdivide my low-poly structure, do I need to do that before I bring it into 3D coat? It seems like it causes some problems when I bring the object back into C4D and subdivide there, after having UVmapped and textured in 3D coat. Thanks! -Justin
  4. Hello, I have a beginners question regarding basic workflow. I do all my modeling in Cinema 4D and at this point, am looking to use 3D Coat for the UV tools (SO GOOD!) and the painting. Basically, I'm just looking for resources/youtubes you may now of that discuss this workflow. For example, I want to know how to get a Normal Map for my object, but most of the tuts I've come across talk about baking a normal from a low poly/high poly mesh created within 3D Coat. At this point, 100% of my modeling will be done outside of 3D Coat, and I'll just be UV'ing and painting. Just curious if anyone else follows this workflow or has any tips for me in regards to preparing the model. Thanks in advance, Kel
  5. I run into a problem with my export from 3dCoat to Cinema 4d. Seams appear at my island's borders and i don't know what to do about it (you can see it in the very last screenshot below). It probably is a step i haven't took in 3DC (i'm really new to topology & uv stuff so it might a simple mistake on my side). I've made some screenshots about the steps i take to prepare in 3DC and export to C4D. If some C4D users are here & are used to exporting from 3DC to C4D, thanks for confirming (or not) that my workflow is ok. I use 3ds max preset for importing OBJ's in C4D, otherwise UVs are messed up.
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