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Found 3 results

  1. Hello everybody. I have a problem with making something really important for me and I can't find any tutorial for my idea. I don't have much experience with 3D-Coat or any other 3D software (so yeah, noob questions alert). I would be delighted if there was anyone who could help me. My goal- I would like to make a textured cylider with a seamless texture (real geometry), using Alphas or Stencils, without any stretching etc. I wonder if there is any good and fast way to achieve it. I'm really sory if it's a silly or way-too-noobish question.
  2. Hello. I'm trying to unwrap cylindric body and I already used different ways, but every time I have distorted texture. Please, tell me what is wrong? How is possible to unwrap cylindric body to plain planar rectangle island with two circle islands?
  3. I ended up with a welded cylinder that is not symmetrical. The welded top/bottom ends must have been off axis a tiny bit and I didn't notice. Just slightly off and can barely tell. Is there a way to make the object round again, easily? Just use Transform and do it by eye with a cylinder? I can't use symmetry because it ruins the design. How about for low poly would like to make sure edge loops are symmetrical. Another software, anyways.....another forum.
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