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  1. Hi, really hoping to get a conversation going here. Over the last few days I've been playing around with texture painting in 3DCoat and have hit a bit of a wall when dealing with PBR normal maps. This is odd considering normal maps are standard practice with PBR materials, especially when preparing assets for real-time rendering / game engines. I've reached out and discussed this with a number of people, including 3DCoat staff who consistently repeat to me the following: Normal maps are supported, select your normal map in the "Depth" field when making your smart material and it will convert it for you. Height/depth maps are "better" and I should be using those instead of normals. They are different things and both have their place. Especially when using heightmaps to displace geometry. Normal maps don't make sense when texture painting directly because of tiling or something? I've put together a few screenshots of what my one of my paid PBR materials looks like when used in 3DCoat in a couple of ways, as well as what it looks like when used via Marmoset Toolbag 4 for reference. I can correctly use this PBR material using ArmorPaint, Substance and Marmoset and Quixel, all of which allow me to apply a normal texture along with albedo, rough, metal etc. You basically just create a fill layer and provide a normal map as part of the material you are filling the layer with. I had a response from support@3dcoat.com which basically told me to convert the map, when I asked for some more details I basically got silence/ignored. Is this something that the 3DCoat dev team is looking to add at some point? Is there an actual technical reason why you can't sample from normal maps when painting? I used the shader materials to bake in the normals prior to texturing but vertex painting those details is just not a solution. 3DCoat - Using PBR provided height map No surface scratches, only general bump information. Scratches may be only slightly visible because they are present in albedo and roughness details. 3DCoat - Using generated depth map from normal map source This is just wrong, looks like a normal map I would have generated from a colour image or something in GIMP. Notice the weird warping artifacts around the plates where they connect, this is unusable. Marmoset - No normals, No Depth/Bump (Just for reference) Marmoset - Depth/Bump Only Take a look at what details the texture artist captured in the height map, scratches are not accentuated in this map, just general material bumpiness. The scratches seen only because they are present in the albedo and roughness textures details. Marmoset - Normals Only Scratches and other small details are accentuated in the normal map. These are completely different artistic details that are present in this PBR material that are to be replicated using lighting/normals rather than height/displacement or bump. Marmoset - Height and Normals
  2. I've been trying to figure out how to get the material on the torch in the attached image to Glow in a final render. Ideally it would actually emit light and effect the materials around it. I assigned the shader material "fire" from the volumes category, but that had no effect. I tried setting the diffuse material that was painted on to the mesh where the flame is to emissive, that just turned it sort of brighter but in no way affected the environment around it. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
  3. I have a little problem.... I can't see what I've painted while I'm painting it on the bottom of my project. I tried manipulating the light source, but it just spins and remains above. Is there a way to put a light source below the project?
  4. Does anyone else have problems importing fbx files into UE4? I import the fbx, color, and normal maps and almost everything has at least one black spot on it after rebuilding lighting. Other than the black spot, everything looks awesome.
  5. "Mixamo would like to announce that The Auto-Rigger is now free for any mesh under 10,000 triangles." This amazing free option that can be beneficial to 3D Artists beginner and advanced. Check it out here: http://www.mixamo.com/c/auto-rigger
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