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Found 4 results

  1. Hi, just noticed a bit strange behaviour of 3dconnexion in 3DC - space mouse reacts different in normal view and ortho. In ortho it behaves as I've set it, in normal/perspective view it works very rapidly, way too fast. I know there was some changes for 3dconnexion, but is it a normal behaviour, or maybe some workaround/fix for this issue?
  2. I'm revisiting 3dcoat and the latest update to 4.8.10 has given me a weird bug. The mark seams tool does what it wants. I cannot use it on the edges l'm hovering over with the mouse, it'll always maybe select an edge loop around 4 faces below where l'm selecting. It also wont select individual seams and instead stay in edgeloop mode. Please help.
  3. I'm accustomed to orbiting objects using the RMB. I have this set up in Autocad, Fusion, SKP, and Rhino. I keep getting stalled trying to navigate 3dc. Is there a way to customize this function? I can't find anything in the prefs to do so.
  4. Not sure where and if it's possible to change or adjust mouse wheel sensitivity. On Windows 7 and mouse has no acceleration in windows config and is pretty standard. However in 3DCoat, I've set my preferences to have the middle mouse wheel change my brush angle. However it's changing the brush angle in huge increments like 720 degrees with just the most delicate input. Is there a place to fix this? Preferences>Viewport>Mouse Wheel = Brush Rotation Wheel Zoom for settings below this area are all at default of 1.0 I'm using the latest build of 3DCoat as well. Thanks, Jason
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