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Found 4 results

  1. Is there any way to decimate the polycount of all objects in the scene instead of doing it seperately for each object? My current very mechanical model has over 30 objects in it and the triangle count is getting over 10 million causing a lot of lag especially when rendering. There has to be a powerful way to optimize things without doing it one at a time for each object.
  2. For games where the model will be converted into tris and use a texture and normal-map, Is it more efficient to use separated topology like this (22 tris) Or joined topology like this (28 tris) ??? and why
  3. Hello everyone! To be honest, I'm not positive if I only missed some setting that will turn off complex calculations I don't need. But, after having updated to version 4.1, the AUTOPO function will take a very long time. I did not measure the time, but I'd say it takes about 10 times longer than it used to in version 4.0. Even if I set the quality to "Draft quality - fastest", there will not be a major difference. Also, when AUTOPO is finally finished, the mesh will not have the polycount I chose in the dialogue window (difference of about 1000 polys). If I remember correctly, in 4.0, the resulting meshes used to have differences of about 50 polygons. I am using the Mac OS version of 3D-Coat on Mac OS 10.7.5. Many thanks in advance for any help! Greetings, Shu
  4. Hi all, I am trying to import a very large model (around 20M polys), it consists of around 30k intersecting meshes. My initial thought was to use 3D Coat as a good way to Merge those meshes and create a printable STL, after some post processing. The problem I am facing is that once I import it and scale it to something that could be usable detail wise, i get a horrendous Estimated Polycount of a few hunded Million. When i try AutoScale, i get around 600k but once i hit Apply I only get one single blob :/ The thing is, that most (really, maybe 90%) of the polys could be thrown away because of the intersections. (Maybe someone could suggest some program to BooleanUnion all those objects together and create one mesh in a preprocessing step before i get to 3D Coat for all the rest) The other thing I noticed is that while importing an STL the rate at which the model is processed seems to be around 2MB/sec, which is quite slow when you have an almost 2GB file. The OBJ importer is working much faster, but filesizes in OBJ are a lot larger than stl.. Is there any preferred import format for which 3D Coat is optimized? btw my current machine is an i7 with 16G RAM and a Quadro 5600, but I also have access to a 24 Core Xeon with 96G and a FireGL ... which in turn doesn't support CUDA :/ I'd be very greatful for any hints concerning huge files and big polycounts.. Oh yeah, currently i'm on the free trial because i'm not sure if 3D Coat is suitable for my needs, but it looks very promising, a very nice tool to have for 3D Printing. Thanks
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