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Found 3 results

  1. This video goes through the process of bringing in a premade spaceship using Addon Ship Wright into Blender and then converting this to a smooth detailed object. Once spaceship is created then I will be taking this into 3DCoat to use the Wrap Tool to create a rounded Sci-Fi Object. This tutorial will help to understand how to use many tools along the way to create some cool shapes. To follow along you will need shipwright however you can create another object in different means to bring this also into 3DCoat if needed. Please join me in the process. Let me know if this helps at all. Please understand this process is very intensive with the computer so there will be a lot of waiting for things. However, things you wait for are the best things.
  2. If you have a hole that is not a usual hole shape(eg an L or U, a line shape hole if you will) these seem to have problems closing, especially so if you have a ring shape hole with outer and inner surface(within the same volume) and you want to merge/connect them as a single mesh, understandably this is something tools like fill holes and poly remove(with remesh after) seem to struggle with. In addition to that, if I have a surface with the edge chipped of, like... ___n___ where the n is missing data, I have noticed poly remove with remesh enabled also can struggle here. How do you go about closing/extending? I have tried booleans in the past with varied success, the muscle brush has worked the best requiring some extra cleanup work after, but struggles in some situations giving failed boolean operation often.
  3. Funny thing...I used to bananas when I got a new version of ZBrush and while I'm happy they're working to improve it more, the announcement of 4R6 with ZRemesher didn't really hit home with me. I use 3D Coat for all of my retopo work and don't see ZBrush being a better alternative. It's OK in a pinch, but 3D Coat has had most of this functionality for a while, as far as I'm concerned. I would say that Autotopo is a tool I almost never use now, but I do use strokes pretty often. In ZBrush I had experience with QRemesher, Decimator, etc., but I'm just not all that excited. I wish they had done more with projection, shaders, the auto-updater, and paint layers in ZBrush. Even the auto-updater is a joke, as all it does is install the new version in a new directory and copy certain files from the previous install. This takes up TONS of room on the drive and is very archaic. I still use both apps, but I've quickly become a die hard 3D Coat user.
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