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Posts posted by Ghostdog

  1. post-1094-1270947959691_thumb.jpg

    Sometimes I find a doodle turns into something worth keeping but because I didn't plan ahead I end up with 'one big lump' in the paint room.

    After laying down a quick skin on the attached I realised I'd like the 'bone' formations to be rendered with a metallic shader in my rendering prog.

    Whats your next step to split away a material or polys to make it efficient to let a lazy-mat shader take care of something, so you can get back to painting?

    Currently I can export .obj to Hexagon and play with shading domains but I get the idea I'm missing something obvious that would let me do this in 3DC :)

  2. Noted. ]

    I would like to add that a sudden increase in posts doesn't at all mean the posters are suddenly motivated about that issue.

    For those of us that have waited patiently it can be natural to suddenly explode with emotion when 'finally' posting.

    You and I and the community don't know Andrew and we don't know if we do need to remind him every day. I know I have the benefit of 'experience' on this forum to have observed a decrease in posts from Andrew as (I would guess) he is simply so busy working on the software.

    I have waited 6months to see my brand new 8 cores fully utilised at process steps I feel important, I was previously happy to remain silent as I'm 'just' an artist, not a production-tool, bill-paying user.

    When I realised I felt like spending my annual bonus on changing sculpting software I knew it was time to stop being silent for fear of regretting it.

    We must not accept knee-jerk reactions to new and negative comments as the way to deal with them.

    How a company deals with feedback says as much about that company as any PR release.

    I don't think my opinion matters more because I've used the program longer but I've come to realise for myself that my opinion matters, full stop.

    It is more natural to complain than congratulate. Nothing is diluted just because it is negative.

  3. quadmesh1 and quadmesh2 is an almost daily thing for me and always caused by my experiments with taking a mesh from voxel to perpixel via auto quadrangulate, not being happy with the result and trying again, but forgetting to first delete via this process:

    1) paint room, objects tab: Hit red X to delete everything. (i.e. do it once, return to objects tab, do it again)

    2) retop room, delete layer. that will leave quadmesh1. create new layer, it will be called Retopgroup1. Click again on Quadmesh1. delete it.

    You have now cleared from memory everything, BUT the voxel room information is INTACT. Now you can quadrangulate or retop room again.

    i.e. the trick I use is the create the new un-needed layer in retop as that then allows me to sneakily delete quadmesh1

    Sorry it's something I made-up but didn't even realise it was useful for others as silly as it might seem now.

  4. If anyone is interested, this is something I put together using several photos I took and where I used them.

    I wanted to create a more practical example of what can be done in a relatively short time.

    I used the depth images created in PhotoSculpt as masks in 3DC.

    :excl: Warning: The second attached image is pretty large. :download:

    Awesome generosity & cool act & bloody well executed too.

    Big Karma points man!!!

    Hippolyte why don't you use that for marketing and throw some $$$ in 3DArtists direction. And sign him up on your new marketing team too.

  5. Yes Artmans workflow tips have been my biggest productivity booster by far. Still need to unlearn bad habits I don't even realise I have, but that's always an ongoing effort with me.

    Digiman - Yeah I do the same with clone & degrade. (In my head I've named it after a shampoo bottle "rinse and repeat")

    I love video tutorials for learning what brushes and tools can do, and workflow stuff for learning how to DO that stuff efficiently :)

  6. I get the best ideas unplanned, unexpected & unforced. Usually on the train to work or home, which is a 40m trip each way.

    I love how the brain can 'materialise' the strangest thoughts completely out of no-where.

    Personally I am very much lacking in 'at the PC' idea creation.

    Other ideas, watch a movie, use StumbleUpon to suggest design links.

    Mimic something already made to practice your skills.

    Go and revisit something you made a year ago and see how you'd improve it.

    Don't forget your loved-ones and real-life stuff. (Guilty as charged here too)

  7. Just had a 5 month old thumb drive drop dead during a mediaplayer 'sync'. Thankfully nothing critical lost but serves a timely reminder never to take storage for granted.

    I've got a little metal tin box I use to store 4 thumb drives. It has Wonder Woman enameled on it. I get strange looks on the train when I open up my magic little box and pick through for the right stick :)

  8. Wow. Nice work mate, I would have sold my Grandmother to have that as a toy when growing up. Somehow I'd love too see it animated in stopmotion style with a hint of steampunk sound fx going on.

    Do you have have out of memory issues unexpectedly? I've seen things bomb out on quadrangulation when I had a good 2/8 gb ram free.

  9. Artman, you know a lot more about many of 3DCoat's inner workings than I, but I do think it's not true to say that perpixel is best used for low-poly only.

    I just don't want someone new giving up on quadrangulate->perpixel so soon. :)

    Attached is an example of mine, voxel->quadrangulate per pixel, all hand-painted. (nb some sneaky tricks like mesh replication used in renderer to fill the screen with one fairly small object)

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