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Posts posted by Malo

  1. Das wird nicht leicht werden.

    3d coat hat Probleme mit sehr flachen Objekten.

    So schön wie der ZRemesher wird das hier nicht werden, oder nur mit viel nacharbeit.


    Du kannst versuchen dem Ganzen mal mehr dicke zu geben und autopo erneut starten und dann in den Problemzonen die Guidelines setzen.


    Was mit deinen Strokes los ist, weiß ich auch nicht so recht. Hatte das Problem noch nicht.

  2. I have a little question about the final result.

    Why want you a bump and specular on a fabric material?

    I mean if you have a jeans cloth, it have its own bump in real, and the specularity comes from the real lightning that is around you.

    Or if you want to create something like a teddy bear or other toy that is buildup like clothes.

    You have fur on arms, lags and bodys and then extra materials for the eyes or nose.


    What are you trying to do?

  3. Not sure if i understand you correctly, but i dont think that works.

    Sure you could export it as PSD file with all layers. Then you have Diffuse, Bump and Spec in one file. But thats all.

    Bump and Specular wont be splittet in separate layers if you paint everything in one layer. But i dont use a professional PS Version, i use PS Elements and Gimp and thats all what i see.

    Maybe with CS6 or above you get a different result.

  4. Tested your file and baking works on my side


    First i have cleaned the retopo room befor i start a baking test.


    Normalmap baking without Names Correspondence



    Menu 1



    Menu 2



    Menu 3



    In Paint Room



    If it wont works on your side, maybe on your install went something wrong.

  5. Looks like a Bug to me.

    I could reproduce it with my own files.




    If you have 2 voxellayer and one retopo cube, the extra small cube, normalmap wont be baked.

    Two top pictures are on the left side AO and Normalmap on the left Normal only.


    If i bake the objects not joined i get the same problems as Dorothy say.

    If i join the cubes in voxel room and bake again without any other changes, the bake is corret (two lower pictures)

    I am on 4.5 Beta12



    Would be better you send Andrew the file with some explainments.

    or to support.


  6. I dont know a exactly matching tutorial for you.

    Maybe here is something for you



    What i know.


    Rightklick on the voxellayer.

    You get a menu with many options like merge, subtract, move and stuff like that.



    No idea. I have never used scaned files.

    But in Voxelmode you should be able to rescale and modify your mesh.

    I would search for Voxel Sculpting and get an overview from the tools.

  7. Little tutorial


    Retopo Room


    I have 3 UV sets and one retopogroup, but that makes no difference if you need more.


    Baking options


    You see, i get 3 UV Sets (Bust_head_bottom, ...._right and ..._left) and my Baking Options.


    Paint Room


    Now i have 3 Surface Materials, that is important.




    My export options.


    Substance Painter


    You see on the left 3 texture sets and i could hide it on the right side.


    Maybe that helps.

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