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Posts posted by Malo

  1. Hallo

    Hab gesehen das V4 jetzt offiziel released wurde.

    Und habe jetzt ein paar Fragen wie ich da genau vorgehen muss.

    Die V3 muss ich abmelden oder kann die weiterhin bestehen?

    Muss ich die V4 neu runterladen oder kann ich die letzte Beta weiterverwenden?

    Ich habe mir die V3 Vollversion im Februar zugelegt, somit bekomme ich ja laut Ansage die V4 umsonst.

    Wie muss ich hier vorgehen um von diesem Angebot zu Profitieren?

    Wäre nett wenn man mir ein paar Infos geben könnte.

    Gruß Malo

  2. Thanks for the Infos.

    Vector Displacement would be so cool, i know sculpting in Mudbox with verctor displacement is one of the best features i ever seen.

    Yes Cycles is good and young, and i am happy that i have Nvidia so i could use GPU for rendering. But i find it sad, that as more features Blender and Cycles get, as slower it works.

    The speed was fantastic on CPU and GPU in 2.62, but now in 2.67 i lost on my PC on GPU 50% of speed and on CPU 20%.

    Not sure what the future brings, but if Blender and Cycles expand so quickly as it do right now, the complede speed is gone and we could render so slowly like LuxRender it do.

    Sure SSS and particels take some time to calculate, but i still hope cycles get faster and faster in the future.

    Did you have any infos about that?

  3. @michalis

    Yes, there are some changes. overall, there are good changes, but some things like that inverted normalmap calculation are not of my taste.

    I am not a big fan of cycles, i mostly use Yafaray for my projects. And with that engine i dont have problems with the normalmaps from 3DCoat or Gimp.

    Maybe Yafaray calculate it different as cycles do.

    Anyway, but now i understand you.

    I use for the normalmap export 3DMax, Lightwave, and you use Maya. And as far as i see, in 3.7 the Max and Maya export are different, in the same way as 2.49 and 2.5+

    Have you tested it with 3.7 and or V4 of 3D Coat?

    V3.7 works fine on my side, maybe V4 have a bug inside that Maya export.

    @Bump and Nomalmap.

    Nice to hear that.

    But there is so cool stuff out there like parallax mapping or vector displacement, would love to see that in Blender or other apps and engines.

  4. OMG, this is not a critic or trolling against Blender, it is a attempt to help you.

    Maybe i missunderstand you.

    Anyway, let me explain what i mean.

    A little sculp


    Now Baking in 2.49


    Now Baking in 2.63 (did not have the actuall Blender here)


    Did you see the difference? This is what i mean.

    Since 2.5+ the normals are in the "wrong" direction.

    And Blender now use that "wrong" direction to calculate it correctly.

    And as far as i understand you, you get "wrong" normalmaps, because Blender did calculate it now different.

    Every app that i know (Mudbox, ZBrush, Gimp, PS, CrazyBump...), bakes, calculates Normal in that way like 2.49 it do.

    If you use one of that apps, you have to invert the Green Chanel, that you could use it correctly in Blender.

    Did i missunderstand you?

  5. Normalmaps:

    Blender is on the wrong side, as far as i see.

    In 2.49 the Normals are baked correctly, but since 2.5 they are in the wrong direction, and would be used in that direction.

    I see it every time in my game models if i bake normals in Blender.

    Not sure why the BF change that, but you could flip the green Chanel in UV-Editor if you use a Normalmap that is created outside of Blender 2.5+

  6. Das ist alles nur Gewöhnungsache. Ich habe zB schwierigkeiten mit der Deutschen Ausgabe.

    Es ist für mich sehr ungewohnt wenn es keine Clay, Pinch oder ähnliche Brushes mehr gibt, wie man es aus anderen Programmen gewohnt ist.

    Muss immer wieder mal ins Englische wechseln um das richtige zu finden was ich brauche.

    Jemand der solche Begriffe nicht kennt, hat es leichter wie mir scheint. :D

    Aber das ist mein persönliches Problem. Deine Arbeit beim Übersetzten ist schon gut so.

  7. Dont get me wrong.

    I still use Blender and i love it, but for that four parts (sculp, retopo, uv and texturing), 3D Coat, ZBrush and Mudbox are much more efficiently as you could do it in Blender, in my eyes.

    I have tested nearly every build that cover that areas, and it was not that what i want and need.

    At the end, i give up and went to 3D Coat, and now i have much more fun with that App.

  8. I use Blender since 2.42 and yes, i still know how the Face Select Mode works. :D

    Michalis got his point. With Blender you could do much more then with 3D Coat.

    But as far as i see over the years with Blender, you could do everything what you want, but nothing realy good.

    Dynotop up to 500k Polys, thats a joke. Viewport Performance, lol. Baking is still horrible. My last Baking adventure with 2.56 was 6 Million Polys and i was not able to bake something. I have to split my object into 2 Million Poly parts, in Mudbox and ZBrush Trial i was able to bake 12 Millions on my old machine with 2GB Ram. Now with Bake from Multiress it works a little bit better but still a huge difference between Zbrush or Mudbox.

    Texturepainting? How would you do that in Blender? It is still the same ugly workflow since 2.42

    Project Painting with no Preview is a no go. Zoom changes the size of the texture and other crazy stuff.

    Anyway, 3D Coat is still the better choice, if you want to sculp, retopo, uv and texturing something instead of using Blender for that. And thats from a long time Blender User.

  9. Thanks.

    Everything was a own voxelobject in sculpting. At the end, there where 37 object. I think, it is easier to sculp around with single objects.

    For the retopo i merged the most of it, so i got 11 objects. Same as above, easier Retopo.

    For the painting i merged it too, i have now 6 objects. Same as usual, it should help to paint it easier.

    The horns are simple curves with a custom spline.

    For the faces, i started with a sphere and sculp it in that what you see.

    Overall, very easy and simple.

  10. Thanks Taros.


    I want to start with the retopo.

    As far as i see, every part should be easy to retopo, manual and/or automaticly.

    But i have a litlle question about the blade.


    Befor i start the retopo with PolyByPoly.

    Is it possible to retopo this automaticly and how should i setup the guidelines?

    And a second little question.

    What would you prefer to create the final details on the model.

    Painting via Bump or use SurfaceMode with more polys?

  11. Ok. most of my problems are solved or get solved with V4.

    But i have still problems in the Retopo/UV room with Zoom in and out on the model.

    As far as i know, if i am close on the model

    RMB+ALT and mouse movement zooms in and out.

    RMB on the model moves the vertices.

    My problem is when i create some seams, if i do a move, ALT is pressed, 3d-coat dont realize, maybe for 0.1 seconds that ALT is pressed, and moves some vertices out of possition, befor it starts to zoom in or out.

    I am not sure if it is a problem of my wacom bamboo, but it is very unusable when i always have to reorder my vertices. after the usage of the zoom.

    Is there a way to disable the RMB in the Retopo/UV Room, or that i could use RMB only with the Basic Tools like Add/Split or Quads?

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