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Posts posted by Malo

  1. Thanks for the help.


    I use V3, because the V4 demo wont let me export something or use textures above 2048.


    Where could i find that NO CENTER SNAP ?


    OK, that sounds greate.


    I mean this


    In the paint room, i see the voxel and surface brush presets.

    I think it would be easier if the voxel and surface brush presets are hidden.

    In Voxel should be Surface and Paint brushes hidden and so on.

  2. Hi at all

    After several months of working with 3dcoat, i found some problems and maybe you could help to get rid of that "bugs".

    1. Importing OBJ files.

    It is nearly always the same, the origin of my OBJ wont match with the origin in 3dcoat. If i use symetrie, the plane is not i the middle of the object. Or in generall, how to import OBJ correctly?

    2. Rotating, scaling and moving an object in Retopo or UV Room causes problems with the topologie.

    If i want to rotate it, sometime the vertices get out of position.

    3. Brush stenght

    I work with a wacom bamboo and as far as i see, i could only work from 0%-8% to get good results in sculpting.

    Is there a way to change the strenght to a higher value without change the pressure itself in my tablet.

    4. Is it possible to delete the green uv-islands color on the modell if i want to create seams or to change the seam color?

    Green faces with slightly green lines is not good to see.

    5. Is it possible to show only the brushes that i have created for that room?

    If i work in surface mode, i dont need to see the paint brushes or that from the voxelmode.

    Any way to hide all that, that have nothing to do with that "operation" that i do?

    I think thats all, for now.

    Would be nice if somebody could helps me.

    Regards Malo

  3. It is not the retopo, that works fine. It is the auto uvs that would be created.

    That is what i want to fix on autopo.

    What i do is this.

    1. Run Autopo for Pixelpainting, with guidelines and all stuff like that.

    I get this result after the end.


    Everything looks nice, but only the auto uvs are horrible.

    2.I create new uvs manaly, no problem.

    I get this result, not the best but much better.


    But that PackUV2 wont works, too.

    Nearly the same result. Much better but still buggy.


    I hit on PackUV2 befor i start to do anything and it wont works.

    I hit on PackUV2 on the end befor i apply the new uvs and it wont works.

    Maybe i did something wrong.

    I have no problems with autopo at all.

  4. Hi

    I got some problems, if i create a new uv set on an existing modell.

    I have sculptet a head, and let the autopo run through the complede workflow.

    In the paintroom i get this head with nice AO and normalmap.


    But, yeah you know, the auto uvs aren´t realy nice. So i start to create this part new.

    I delete the seams and start to set new seams, unwrap it and stiff like that. Everything works nice so far.

    But after i hit on the Apply UVs button, i get this in the paint room.


    Some thing wents wrong here.

    It looks like the created normalmap and AO from autopo wont fit with the new uvs,

    Any idea whats going wrong here?



  5. The problem is, you use on every object the same uv space. Basicly it is U0_V0

    To fix your problem, use for every object an extra uvspace.

    For the Cube 0_0, for the Sphere 1_0 and so on.

    Take a look at this.

    3 objects, 3 uv sets, 3 exported textures (Space is plane 0_0, sphere 0_1, cube 1_0)

    post-24378-0-21986600-1364631531_thumb.j This is correctly

    3 objects, 3 uv sets, 1 exported textures (Space is plane 0_0, sphere 0_0, cube 0_0)

    post-24378-0-00825400-1364631640_thumb.j This is wrong

    This is the common way with the blender applink.

    Maybe with your 3D programm you could set the space directly for every uv.

    In you second picture i see a U and V field.

  6. Hi at all

    I have a little question about the voxels and 3D-Coat.

    On a different forum there was a little discussion about the voxel technics and the usage of it.

    The main discussion was, that voxel cant use compledly the GPU, there are animation problems because of the creating of the voxels for every frame and the voxels could only use diffuse materials, no glossy, mirror and stuff like that

    I told them, that 3D-Coat use voxels for sculpting and is ready for the GPU because i use the Cuda exe.

    The second thing is, in the voxel room, i could use materials that are glossy or have some mirror effects.

    As answer they told me, that 3D-Coat dont use real voxels, it is a fake to get a usage of the GPU und that materials.They means that the code of 3D-Coat creates after every action that you did in the viewport a polymodel from the actual voxelmodel and that polymodel would be used in the viewport.

    Or in other words. 3D-Coat sculps in voxel mode, but everyrhing that you see is a polymodel.

    And now my question.

    Is that correctly what they are thinking.

    I hope i could explain it correctly and you could understand what i mean.

    Would be nice if somebody could explain me the secret about the voxel.



  7. @AbnRanger

    Thanks a lot, now it works.

    It was only the little checkbox.


    Sorry but no, ZB hates me.

    I cant work with ZB, maybe it is the difficult UI or any other stuff, not sure.

    But as far as i see, with 3D Coat i could work easier on my modells.

  8. Another Question

    I want to create a belt, that starts on the chest, goes over the shoulder and down to the hips.

    I was thinking i use the curve tool for that, but as far as i see, the rotation wont works correctly or in that way, that i need it.

    Is it possible to rotate not only he complede curve, because i only want to rotate some parts of it.

    It is more a twist that i need on the points.

    Any idea how that works?

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