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Everything posted by arumiat

  1. Have you baked your texture in the retopo room yet? Go to the bake menu, bake w normal map..
  2. Absolutely. Just wanted you to know that I spent many hours pre-emptively optimising my game in terms of poly-count when in fact could have been better spent elsewhere. With your other considerations your approach is a sensible one and is definitely better than the other way round. Good luck!
  3. I today too have been getting out of memory errors and crashes. I am planning on resintalling Windows as was concerned this is a Windows issue and its about time I did one anyway but will follow what happens with you closely. Andrew has an older version of my scene that is now crashing as my bake operations aren't working well.
  4. I also was finding ctrl & click on a seam was not working to unmark seams
  5. Good job To let you know I build a lot of my 300k scenes to the original samsung galaxy tab 10.1 and my old samsung google nexus (oooold hardware!) & runs just fine
  6. Hmm. I'm not particularly experienced with autopo but I think you'll struggle to get a good result with what is effectively a hard surface model. It doesn't look like an easy model to place guides either (did you try?) On the upside it looks like a good model to practice some manual retopology on (see videos above). Additionally I think you could get a decent model with a count like 5000 polygons just using the decimate command under geometry. These days computers handle higher vertex/ poly counts well it seems in game engines. If you're not going to be animating or distorting it in Unity that sort of vertex count shouldn't be an issue, even across the web (my scenes regularly run into 350k triangles+ and perform fine even on older systems). But if you want to learn the proper workflow and have more flexibility the retopo route is way to go.
  7. Can you post a screenshot of the sculpt you're working with, and maybe some autopo results? Screenshots always help give a better idea of what's going on
  8. What are you using the mesh for? Will it be animated or distorted in some manner? If so, retopoing it in some form as the others have said is v.important. If it's not going to be animated or be distorted, another method is to use your painted mesh, just as it is, within Unity, and get hold of a vertex shader that you can apply as a material. If you export from the paint room as an fbx file it should bring your painted colours with and they can be displayed with a vertex shader. However generally the workflow the others have described is the best one in terms of results, efficiency, flexibility & performance
  9. Hi guys, I've opened up an old scene in 3DC and the default shader is off in the sculpt room, anyone know of a way to fix this?
  10. Thanks L'Ancien, I tried this with both the num lock on and off, but it only centred my view with the numberpad on to active object. Is it suppose to toggle environment? Thanks Carlosan but it's empty. If anyone would be able to PM me a copy of theirs to place in that folder would be appreciated.
  11. Oddly that folder is completely empty for me. Something I've wondered about is that throughout the 4.5 beta I've never gotten the nice new environment lighting/ background, - been stuck with the 4.1 blue background all the way through. When I load up 3DC the environment is there but as soon as I open a file or import a model, it reverts to the old lighting setup..
  12. I'd like to import 3DCs default environment lighting into Unity 5 to start to try and get a more consistent workflow down. But I can't find any exr or HDRI files in 3Dcoats folder structure. Anyone know where I can get a hold of this? My plan is to then import into Unity, set as exr and see how I get on. Interested to hear anyone's thoughts. Thanks,
  13. Hi Hammers, how odd. Yes, I think there was an issue because even trying to bake from an exported hi poly to low poly using substance designer which normally does a great job was giving me weird results. I was also getting odd behaviour trying to paint color information on layers in the paint room as well, this seemed to work again after disabling the curvature map. I've downloaded the latest beta 4.5.00 (release) so I'll see if I keep running it problems. Do post back if you hear more
  14. I'm driving myself crazy trying to setup tablet navigation. Anyone mind relating to me their settings? ie first pen button = ? second pen button = ? And what you use for your custom navigation inputs. I'm finding myself having to switch back and forth between pen and mouse just to be able to perform all operations and I want to smash something EDIT - I reinstalled 3DC and am just learning to use the Alt-key for navigating around the mesh, with first pen button set to MMB, and second to RMB. It seems like this is the standard for most 3D softwares (Marmoset etc)
  15. Thanks, of course. Here it is minus one mesh https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_Yewsz47zcKWUhmNkRfR0plNk0/view?usp=sharing
  16. My normal map is not baking, I think I'm just being dense but my normal map isn't baking properly. I've also tried to bake within Substance but I'm getting a bad result there too. - I have retopo'd the 3 meshes in the scene and UV unwrapped them to a single UV set. They are under retopo objects with identical names to the sculpted meshes - I have checked named correspondence for baking - I then to bake w/ normal map for PPP However the bake finishes v.quickly & no normal information is present on the NM_map. Any able to enlighten me? T
  17. That's odd. Yes when I export from the paint room I specify the name of the fbx and this imports as a single 'empty' gameObject into Unity that then has multiple children with mesh renderer components attached to each. The same thing happens with Marmoset TB, what happens if you open it in there?
  18. Hmm, the export menu in the retopo room I've not used. If you go into the paint room then File -> Export objects & textures what happens? Otherwise someone else will probably know
  19. Yes, you can export a single fbx with multiple meshes, in Unity the multiple meshes show up as children. You can use a single UV map for multiple meshes
  20. I've created my own smart material using an albedo and normal map. The smart material preview looks great, the actual painted mesh not so much. Any ideas as to why this may be? Thanks in advance, T
  21. Normal maps are working in Unity 5, so no doubt you are
  22. Wow, I had zero clue this even existed and could lead to a global slowdown, thanks!
  23. So today I was in a store that was showcasing the latest in ultraHD TVs. On it they were running segments from the various recent Transformer movies. Ignoring Megan Fox for a minute, I was glued to the spot for twice-over the same sequence. The clarity of the CG and the way that it melds so perfectly with the filmed environment is really something spectacular and ultimately it looks believable. My appreciation for the making of such a thing is huge given even my small CG knowledge. I was wondering, - what is it that sets such productions in the stratosphere compared to most of the stuff that floats around in the CG world? The render engine used? The render times? The VFX that is composited into the CG? Interested to hear your thoughts, T
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