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Posts posted by sprayer

  1. 8 hours ago, Leonardo said:

    Recently I read some cheap printers reviews a this site. One great this I learnt their is to experiment with the sketch/cad program you want to practice a lot and a lot. There are some more cad things I advise you may use other than the sketch, 123d, fusion 360 is yet free for usage with the hobby.

    why on link only ordinal printer not 3d? looks like ads from bot

  2. 1 hour ago, davide445 said:

    - I tried anyway to retopo using the different methods, but when I try to export the result to fbx to be used in Maya, I find it back triangulated. I didn't find a way to prevent this.

    To me 3dcoat exporting quads, try update to latest version, you may try obj format, check settings at import in maya. But even triangles if you need model for simulation i think it doesn't matter as i know colliders using only vertex position. By the way in maya should be the way to convert into quads, i am 3ds max user there is qualify mesh modifier for that, also there is tool qualify all what reconstruct triangles to quad without changing topology.

  3. 20 hours ago, Gorbatovsky said:

    Thanks, but these pictures didn't really convince me. Although in some places it looks impressive.
    Let's take your video where you are using Quad Remesh.

    You may try model chess from site here model you may download and test how 3dcoat will make retopo 
    in many case quad remesher works better, it represent hard edges way better, and in some some complex cases



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  4. 5 minutes ago, gbball said:

    I think the picking actions only work on ghosted layers...It should be clearer though.  I can see why you'd make the mistake.


    Edit: Nevermind, I think you're talking about something else.

    Auto pick should pick layer and draw continuously, but i unticked it and it make strange artifact on object what shouldn't be draw. Ghosted option i clicked by mistake sorry)

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