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  1. Thanks for the reproduction! I realized that I had a lot of res. If I use less res it isn't showing these lines too. Just if I resample with 500K. Is there a way to have a high res dense mesh and keep the good shading?
  2. I can't find your option but it looks like this option is just available and/or for imported objects into 3d Coat. But like you have seen I retopo in 3DCoat, do UVs in RizonUV and export to Substance Painter to bake and texture there.
  3. So I made a simple Object like this in 3d Coat with Voxels then converted it to surface mode. After smoothing it in surface mode a few times (smooth All Operation) I retopologized it and baked it in substance painter. Even in the bake you can see these strange lines: First how the high poly looks in 3dCoat (basically it doesn't matter how I turn the camera, every angle looks fine): How the high poly looks in Blender - note this is the same model you see above (not the low poly). You can already see the artifacts on the surface: Bake Result in Substance Painter: Like you can obviously see there is some weird digital lines where it should be smooth. When I turn on smooth shading for the High poly in Blender it looks similiar to the baked result. Whatsoever, this is not a decent result and not what I see in 3dCoat. When I smooth the surface in Blender (in sculpt mode with sculpt brush) it start to looks smooth again but this is not a desired workflow at all. How can I fix this?!
  4. I've already said im doing the High Poly model in 3dCoat... I have a base mesh in my 3d App (in this case Blender, normal topology, nothing special), I import it into 3d Coat, do sculpting in there and send it back to Blender. Result is shown in screenshots. Shading becomes a problem. In Surface Mode it seems to be fine as long as you don't "smooth All".
  5. The problem is that I don't do the bake in 3d Coat in this pipeline. How do I export the high poly with the same shading which it has in 3d Coat and avoid the problem which is shown in the first post of this thread? The surface (like presented in the first post) is not smooth (it doesn't look smooth). Turning the Shading of the HP to Smooth (or Auto-Smooth) doesn't help. I don't think you understand my problem right. The thing is I know how to Retopo, bake and so on. The true problem is that 3d Coat is at the moment giving me a hard time exporting a high poly with CLEAN shading. Clean flat shading. It doesn't look like presented in 3dCoat, it looks weird and ott. The screenshots show both the same high poly meshes. Another example: 3D Coat Version in Blender: Expected result (what I want from a HP in 3d Coat) : Like you can see on the first screenshot (which is a high poly model done in 3d Coat) the suface looks dotted and not clean. The second one represents the shading I actually need from the high poly. Both results are shown in Blender and it's already set to shade smooth. If I turn flat shading on the results gets even worse. Way more worse.
  6. Hey thanks for the quick answer. Currently the workflow is to make something in Blender, do the high poly in 3d Coat and bake the high poly normals into the texture of a handmade retopo version using a different software in pipeline. So basically I use 3D Coat just to create the high poly, everything else is done in different software. What is suggested here?
  7. When in 3D Coat everything looks more clean, as soon as imported into another software the shading looks like this: Is there a way to avoid this? The bottom one is 3dCoat, the top one is Blender. It is just a material applied with roughness 0 to show the shading issues.
  8. Currently im working on a tank and the turret just disappeared. (3D Coat Version 2022.29 Stable Release) First my layer was saying it was Voxel layer but the voxel tools were missing. When I switched to Surface Mode and back to Voxel it said "cant go back to voxel". Ctrl - Z and still in Voxel Mode no voxel tools. Then I closed 3D Coat and opened my save file and the turret was just gone. I am really frustrated right now. Luckily I got another older save file where I can restart the whole work. I usually save incremented but the last 3 save files are missing the turret. Something like that should never ever happen in my opinion. Might be a rare bug (I hope at least) but it makes the experience in 3D Coat unstable. Just what the hell just happened?! Has anyone experienced similiar stuff or did I do something which triggers the software to do so?
  9. When I have a complex model in the scene which consists of many objects I wish we had a frame or an outliner which layer I have selected. Simple said: if I have 10 Cylinders in the scene and select the layer "cylinder_1" I don't know which one it is in the 3D Viewport. A simple yellow outliner or something which indicates the selected one is neccessary. I really can just focus out how importent it is to make 3D Coat more pipeline friendly and also focus more on make it more simple to work with complex scenes. At the moment it is a nightmare. It works with the default cube but not with a scene with over 100 objects. I hope this changes, that would be awesome!
  10. If I import a model as child objects I realized that I actually can't do that. On import (even with "w/o Voxel") all sublayers turn into voxel layers. This means if I just touch the mesh it will go broken. Artifacts happen and also mesh starts to shrink. This is already the second time I opened a thread within a day. I'm sorry this but also I wish 3D Coat was way more industry friendly. It is frustrating that I cannot import a mesh into 3d Coat and and continue to work on it. I spent several hours on it with no success at all. It only works when I import a single object, subdivide it flat and put it into surface mode. Then I can also convert it into a voxel layer afterwards. The thing is when you import multiple objects as child objects at once just the parent gets surface mode (with "W/O Voxel" checked). Not it's children. Meeeeh. PS: Importing the mesh in an voxel layer kills a lot of details. Even at higher densities. I basically want to stay in sculpt room and get more control. The thing is if I subdivide my objects before import the mesh in V mode doesn't shrink anymore because it can hold its form. Though V mode is not what I want.
  11. Hello and thanks for your answer! I change my post to a feature request then. I hope you guys recognize this is really importent feature especially when you work with 3D Coat in a pipeline. Even at home for me right now. If I have a basemesh I did in a different 3d Package (Maya max blender etc) then I want to make details in a sculpt package like 3d Coat. Would be nice if this workflow gets more love. In the future I will try to work with the workarounds but it is not the optimum. PS: I'm not sure how 3D Coat is written neither have I ever really used CPP but it might be relatively simple to implement. Basically if the user has 5 layers selected and hits sudivide just the active layer gets subdivided. If he clicks subdivide and holds the Alt key down all layers get subdivided which are selected. Iterate with a for loop through the selection and done. That would be my naive suggestion to this problem. Might be just an hour thing to do and later on it still can get polished down the line. Thanks anyway!
  12. I am not sure if the feature actually exists, maybe someone can help me. How can I apply a subdivision to ALL of my child objects selected and/ or switch mode between voxels and surface mode to multiple children at once? I have imported a mesh (separated) which has like at least 40 separated objects... I need them separated not merged.
  13. Hello! Is there a way to make an edge loop circular? Something like Loop tools in Blender? That would be pretty cool.
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