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Found 4 results

  1. Hey guys, I'm looking for an advice about calibrating with Colormunki Display. I've tried Easy calibration and all displays becomes a bit too yellow(ish), especially my NEC and laptop screen. Cintiq 24 Pro looks a bit better, but still with yellow tint. Any advice for first time calibration?
  2. Hello everybody, I have created a model in 3D Coat consisting of 3 objects with three different UV maps in it. Whenever I try to apply a smart material, only roughness, metalness and depth information is projected on the model. The colour information is missing no matter if I use the preview window or apply the texture. The colour information in the menue is activated. I am using 3D Coat version 4.7.36. Do you have an idea where the problem is? Regards, Ozan
  3. Самая критическая для меня проблема - это смазанное клонирование. Она мешает продолжить работу. Первый раз такая лажа встретилась в Mudbox. Но тут и в 3d coat! Прям никуда не деться. Ладно смазанно, но еще и цвет темнее. На скриншоте будет видна, некая наружняя резьба. Слева стартовая область, справа "что вылезло из нее". Использую версию 3d-Coat 4.5.02 DX64. Большое Спасибо!
  4. Hi all, Since I updated to v22, my v key and colour picker seem to have stopped working. I can't pick colours with either method. I'm not sure it was updating that broke it, but I think I could when I was previously on 16, and I only updated yesterday. Anyone any idea why this might be happening? Thanks, Mike
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