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Found 9 results

  1. Hey everyone. Recently I started to learn 3D Coat and I was trying to practice with some tutorials, I started with two mannequins and put them in my desired position, when I tried to "Merge Sub-Tree (No Booleans)" one of my mannequins it merges with the other, has 4 arms and 4 legs, and if I merge the other one's sub tree happens the same. How can I avoid that? Consequentely, when I try to AUTOPO > Instant Mesh (auto) it only meshes the upper body of my mannequin. Also need help in that part!
  2. Hi, All, I have had Zbrush for over a year and have competed quite a few sculpts. It’s a great and powerful program and I enjoy it. However, 3D coat has been on my eye for a while now and I am about to buy. I was wondering which software do you prefer overall? I want to know the benefits of 3Dcoat. I want to sculpt both hard surface and organic 3D character meshes. I do not like the interface and functionality of Zbrush overall and I’m ready for a change. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Hello, I'm new to 3Dcoat and was just wondering something about the free form primitives. Is there a quick way to select multiple points, or edges, on the lattice?
  4. So I retop'd a mesh and I want to be able to bring it back into sculpting so I can refine it a bit more, how is this possible! Please and thank you!!! I've been struggling to do this!
  5. 1) Is it correct that I can use 3DCoat on multiple machines, just not simultaneously? My (pitiful) laptop, which used to grudgingly run it, seems not to want to anymore, although my home system works fine. 2) Mostly I'd just like to have the HELP on the laptop so I can study the dox -- I don't really relish trying to use such a hardcore app on this wimpy machine. Is there a file (pdf?) that I can simply copy to my laptop to reference? Thanks all!
  6. Is there an ORDER to the tool buttons? They seem pretty random, and it's slowing down my learning curve.
  7. Hi everyone. I am very new to sculpting software since I usually just model with Rhino. I'm trying to figure out what type of drawing tablet and pen I should get to fit with 3d-coat since that's the main sculting program I will be using. Do you have any suggestions? I have a windows 8 Toshiba touch screen. Is it possible to just use a pen directly on my laptop screen since it's a touch screen? I'm trying to be frugal. College student budget. Any advice is welcome. Thanks!
  8. Hi, So i've recently started out 3d coat and it's worked fine until recently when i have experienced a problem with my camera not working. Every time i try to rotate my camera, pan, or zoom (alt lmb, alt mmb, alt rmb) it'll stay for a few seconds btu when i move my mouse again it goes back to where it was as if it was locked to a certain position, i don't recall ever locking anything and i just launched it recently and it happened. i don't understand what's going on, please someone help me!
  9. Hello, I am very new with 3D Coat. I am currently trying out the trial verion, but am fairly sure to buy afterwards. I have some experience with Blender and thought 3D Coat would be a nice addition to the overall process. But now I stumbled as soon as I tried out the first "from scratch" tutorial video. First of all after using the Move and Smooth tool, I noticed how my form ripped. This happend quite a few times, which surprised me as it obvously isn't the way it should work. After using the move tool again, it seemed to fill in these holes, which is quite ugly. Is this a common problem, or does this only occur when working with small voxel resolution? I ran into one more problem, that is producing smooth forms. I find it very hard to do so, for example carving out the rat's mouth hole from the "from scratch" tutorial video. All the edges are always kind of scruffy. The smooth and fill tool would always destroy the defined forms in the smoothing process. One thing that smoothed the model overall was increasing the resolution, but when I work on the model again after increasing, the problem is the same. The solution obviously can't be increasing the resolution all the time, so I wondered how should this be done? Please help a newbie out
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