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Found 8 results

  1. When I Painter the Texture need the Mask,But the 3Dcoat Can`t support the Mask...So i need to merge the layer to show ,if the effect it`s wrong.i need to change the PSD layer merge...It`s hardly to use .. So could you support the PSD file the mask on the 3Dcoat . Thank you :)!
  2. I`m moving between applications in my workflow (sculpt in 3D-coat, paint in Substance Painter). I have heard that the following is possible, though I`m unsure how exactly. I want to : 1. Import a mesh (originally sculpted in 3D-coat, but textures are generated in Substance Painter) 2. Import multiple texture sets for said mesh (from Substance Painter: they all belong on the one mesh, but for different "parts", and therefore needs to be merged since it can`t be done that way in Substance Painter) 3. Somehow combine the textures into a single UV-tile (that can later be applied to the mesh inside of e.g. Maya). 4. Export (... the newly combined texture as a single file.)
  3. Greetings to all. I will start posting to Gumroad my smart materials collections. All materials will be : Seamless custom PBR accurate materials (game engines optimized 512 x 512 pixels) 9 Texture Channels Each (depends on material type) Dermis ( Base colour / Diffuse ) Subdermis Hypodermis Ambient Occlusion Base Color Bump Curvature Normal Detail_Normal Diffuse Displacement Emissive Glossiness Height Metallic Opacity Roughness Specular Pseudo SSS mask Compatible with : 3D Coat PBR ( smart materials included ) Substance Painter ( materials included ) Toolbag 2 ( materials included ) Unity 5 PBR ( materials included ) Zbrush ( Texture painting ) Unreal PBR Substance Designer for texture based nodes ( SBS and SBSAR NOT INCLUDED ) Render Engines Compatibility : Mantra PBR Mantra IPR Renderman Arnold Redshift Vray Indigo Maxwell Octane Furryball Thea and any renderer that supports Here is my first collection (will be posted shortly) teaser.
  4. Hello everyone! It's me... again. Honestly, sorry for that. This time, I'm experiencing a huge problem with the high to low bake. I've made several, several experiments to solve it, I've improved it, I've learned a lot of things about exporting options, optimal decimations and settings on Substance (I love to integrate these two softwares together SO much)... but I couldn't solve it. At first I thought it was all about bad UVs (and my UVs are bad, believe me), but I tried to do some experiments and I've seen it doesn't seem to be UVs' fault! I've came to the conclusion that it must be the bad geometry of the lowpoly model... I think. But before retopologizing all the model from scratch (I'm gonna try 3DCoat retopo tools, played a little with 'em and liking 'em!), I'd really, really love to ask the advice of more experienced, professional people. I'm not sure if this can be helpful, but there's my workflow: lowpoly in Blender, import in 3DCoat, voxelization/sculpt/etc in 3DCoat, export high from 3DCoat, UV map the lowpoly and exporting it from 3DCoat, importing lowpoly UV mapped in Substance Painter, baking the textures (only the normal, actually) with highpoly and optimal settings also in Substance Painter. The point is: is it effectively a bad lowpoly/retopo mesh problem, or I'm missing something important? Hope you can help! Sorry again for all these questions, and thank you in advance for helping me out! Here the screens to show the exact problem (here you can see the bake result in Painter, the highpoly in 3DCoat, the export settings in 3DCoat, the lowpoly also in 3DCoat).
  5. Malo


    From the album: Malo

    This machete is from my new tutorial. Tutorial is in german Created with 3D Coat - Modelling, Retopo, UVs, baking and preparing for Substance Painter Substance Painter - Texturing

    © Malo

  6. Malo

    Sphere Bot

    From the album: Malo

    A little old project from me. Created with Blender, 3d Coat and Substance Designer and Painter

    © Malo

  7. Texturieren einer Waffe in 3D Coat und Substance Painter Hier zeige ich euch wie man ein Modell vorbereitet um es später im Substance Painter fertig zu texturieren. Viel Spaß beim anschauen. Gruß Malo
  8. Malo


    From the album: Malo

    This flamethrower is for my new tutorial. Tutorial is in german https://youtu.be/eOtELABkQ7g Created with Blender - Base modell 3D Coat - UVs, baking and preparing for Substance Painter Substance Painter - Texturing

    © Malo

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