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Found 5 results

  1. Hey guys, I have a technique question. I am wanting to pinch the edge of the blade for the axe, but I am not certain how to go about that. What is the best way to do this? Thanks!
  2. I am using the pinch tool with the curve strokes setting. I use this setup often, and I'm seeing some strange behavior. I lay down a curve, press enter. The pinch happens on the back side of the model, not under the curve stroke. I have checked the e panel setting, turned off smooth back faces, turned on and off ignore back faces, still getting super odd results. Also turned on and off the Invert Tool checkbox... I am working with a 3d scan, multiple parts, in both voxel and surface mode. I thought this might have something to do with my issue, but if I use the pinch tool with any other "brush" e panel setting, it works fine. If I use the curve strokes in either voxel or surface- same problem... Seems like the curve strokes setting might be broken? Or maybe a setting I'm not familiar with? Thanks in advance! 4.5.28 (CUDA) (DX64) win 7 64
  3. Hi at all As the topic says, i have problems to sculp sharp edges. I have tested some stuff, but i cant figure it out, how that does work. Lets take the basic cube. After some subdivision and smoothing, you get rounded edges. But how could i sculp that edges sharp? The best way as far as i see, is the cut off, but what should i do when i wont cut the surface because i would keep it? With the Pinch tool, i could create sharp edges, but they create some ugly artefacts near the corner, it is not a plane shape after the usage. Any help would be nice. Regards Malo
  4. heyas, guys! still watching hours of tutorials and demos (thanks!)... have some newbie questions that i hope haven't been asked 100 times before. PS: i'm using 4beta14a1GL 1: Smooth Tool how come sometimes this aggressively melts the model down to nothing, and sometimes it barely does ANYthing? i've tried different strengths, sizes... it just usually ends up doing the opposite of what i want? (ie: melting my mesh when i want a faint little adjustment, or barely doing anything noticeable when i want the mesh to melt.) 2: Pinch Tool & Creases the pinch tool isn't behaving the way i expect. not sure if this would be a bug or feedback/complaint. it pulls the mesh together in the middle, but it also creates a dent around the stroke. i don't want the indentation. i tried to make a crease by using the extrude tool (inverse mode, of course), with a sharp pointy brush tip. that created a decent little trench. but then i wanted the pinch tool to pinch the sides of the trench together to make a skinnier trench, it actually made a wider, yet shallower trench. so what's a technique for creating creases? 3: Tools that Go into Voxel Mode i threw some presets on the preset floater. the move tool, and the translate tool. sometimes when i switch to the translate tool, it pops up and says "This preset will switch your [sic] to voxel mode." sometimes it doesn't. sometimes the move tool makes this pop up. the thing is, i thought i was IN voxel mode and never left it. i haven't switched anything to surface mode. that i know of? i'm not using the tools in the surface subsection. i never change room tabs. nothing ever pops up and tells me i'm leaving voxel mode, or entering surface mode. 4: Translating in Symmetry how come this tool doesn't obey symmetry? like, say if i paint in a sphere for an eyeball, and i want to move the eyeballs closer to the centerline. i don't want to smush them or parts of them over with the move tool, i want to actually translate them side to side. but the translate tool appears in the middle of the two eyes. and even if i move it to one side of the centerline or the other, it just moves both sides in the same direction. 5: Mannikin Parts Symmetry on different Layers i wanted to turn the humanoid mannikin into a digigrade mannikin. so i was monkeying around with the left lower leg. and the stuff i did there didn't translate to the right lower leg, because it was on a different layer. except the posing tool, which affected both parts. can someone explain the different symmetries going on? and give me some pointers on how to edit the shin, then duplicate (clone?) it to make the shank, and then how to get the corresponding right side parts? i found the clone command, but there are different clones that weren't explained very well on the wiki, and i'm not sure which ones are linked clones and which are just independent copies? thanks a bunch!
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