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Found 3 results

  1. Hi. I'm brand new to 3D Coat and want to learn it so I can teach my students. I've downloaded the free trial so I can use it at home, but when I try to launch it the program crashed before it even loads up. I've tried launching both the OpenGL and DirectX versions but the same thing happens to both. I'll attach a screenshot of what happens when it crashed to this post. I hope someone out there can help me with this as I don't have any idea of why this might be happening. I'm running Windows 10. Thanks.
  2. Hey everyone. I've been running into this strange problem where my model keeps disappearing when I hover it. The model isn't actually gone, it's just a visual glitch and I can usually get it back by hitting one of the preset camera positions. This time it really bugged out and I was able to screen cap a video of it. Has anyone else run into this problem? My models are pretty low res and my machine is brand new with up to date specs so I don't think it's hardware. Not sure though. Let me know if anyone has any suggestions. Thank you!
  3. This has probably been answered a million times but I am going to ask as I can't seem to find the answer on the forums (I know I am probably being stupid and not looking in the right place). I was wondering how it is possible to post bugs. I use the Steam version of 3DC (version 4.5.19) and I am running into an issue which I remember being a bug way before 4.5. Basically whenever I am in the retopo room I retopologize my model as normal and then in the same room I will start adding seams for my UV map. After adding the seams I unwrap and go into the UV room and nothing is in there, no voxels, no model. There is a layer however from the retopo room. I go to add a UV set as there is no UV sets made yet, as soon as I press the add UV set button I get a dialog box come up with a bunch of information about my computer and then I press ok and 3DC just shuts down. I was wondering what is the official way to log a bug so I could report this. Does it matter if I use the Steam version also? The current build of 3DC on Steam is one of the stable releases as far as I am aware. Thanks, Dave.
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