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Apply symmetry to all visible layers


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Hi Andrew,

I think you should add an Apply symmetry to all visible layers feature in the Retopo room. And then the current Apply symmetry to all layers feature should be removed.

I just lost a lot of work I did in the Retopo room. I was working on a group where I needed symmetry on both X and Z, so I frequently hit Retopo/Apply symmetry to the current layer in the drop-down menu as I was progressing. During this work, all other Retopo groups where hidden. At some point I must have antecedently hit Retopo/Apply symmetry to all layers. A fatal mistake I only realized way too late (after I saved the file). Now all my other Retopo groups were mirrored. Not exactly what I needed:(.

Some time back we had a similar problem in the Voxels room, where it was possible to manipulate hidden layers. This is now fixed and it saves the users from a lot of trouble :).

I think You should make it a golden rule that layers and groups in 3D Coat cannot be manipulated as long as they are hidden.

Finally I think it is a bit confusing that the text in the drop-down menu refers to layers when the tap above the retopo layers says Groups. As mentioned before I believe that 3D coat would benefit a lot from a terminology overhaul. Right now the terminology within 3D-Coat is a bit blurry and indecisive.

Best regards


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