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    • Is there a way to set and restore the stencil bounds without manual scaling?  Ideally in world space instead of screen space?  Otherwise, you must resize the stencil every time the smart material is closed and reopened even if the lock button is enabled.  (The lock button only keeps the stencil in sync when the material is open.  If you close the material, say to paint, then the stencil size is off when you reopen the material if the camera has been moved.) It isn't clear to me how to use this feature if you're concerned about texel density.  I'm constantly having to unlock, scale the stencil against some known entity, and then lock while the material is open. One or more of the following would make this workflow so much easier: - Is the stencil window size available to be set by the c++ or python API?  I'm happy to write a script / plugin to set / restore but don't see a way to do this with the API. - Have a UI/dialog or a load/save stencil xml/json like the camera. - If the lock worked across material open/close then we would only have to size the stencil once per session instead of every time I close the smart material. Thanks so much, Cread
    • Unfortunately, I am still having this issue nearly a year later. The problem seems to occur when using power smooth to blend something with transparency. If there is no transparency, it's fine. If there is, power smooth adds white borders instead of simply smoothly blending to transparent. This is a big issue when trying to use greyscale layers for shading (for iterating multiple color options).    Further testing also suggests that color saturation plays a part in the problem. Highly saturated colors blend to transparency as expected. Less saturated colors develop a white fringe when blending. 
    • Thank you.  I guess another update was released as I'm just finding .27 link on the page and not .26.  I'm cool with that!  LOL
    • I thought I had come here to thank you. Recreating the Smart Material preset worked just fine.  Now I'm on to the next question.  When I use the Material/Stencil Control Panel to place and resize and deform the face to better fit the OBJ's head shape when I come back to the session at the next computer boot up it's all back to the default.  Is there a way to preserve all the work I've put into deforming and resizing the image for the next go around with practicing?  It's a bit annoying to have to keep spending all that time putting it all back to where I need it to be every time I start up Textura!  Thanks for any tips!  Richard
    • Hi, I got a notice from Textura this morning that there was a new update.  SO clicked on that and chose the "install and check integrity...." option.  It was taking it's sweet time so went and checked emails in another tab and was gone for about 20 minutes, came back and it was still preparing.  Not sure if there is a glitch in the localhost or what's going on but I thought I'd post here in case there was a way to actually download the new 2024.26 version to do it myself.  Thanks so much Richard
    • Thanks for the quick answer. To be clear, I'm referring to the *stencil* for "Full screen texture preview" and *not* the material preview window. I'll post some screen shots to better show what I'm seeing. 1.  I create a new smart material with only the albedo color texture set.  I switch the stencil to "From Camera" and I can projection paint the stencil onto white cube. This works great except I need to scale the texture used by the stencil. 2. I open the smart material, right click on the albedo color texture name, and set the Texture Scale to say 500%. Texture before scale: Here is the texture after scale: Now I go back to the viewport to paint the 5x scaled texture onto the white cube.  I manually reset all the transforms by right clicking on the translate, rotate, scale, aspect ratio icons etc. Here is my issue:  The stencil window still shows the texture at 100% scale and not 500% scale.  If I paint over the stencil I get the correct scale on the white cube but I have no idea what I'm painting because the stencil still shows the OLD scale and not the NEW scale.  I really need to see the scaled texture so I know what I'm painting. Above, the scale appears to be the same as before yet when I paint I get the correct output scaled at 500%: Without the stencil scaling I cannot see what I'm painting. Thanks so much, Cread
    • Hello, Newish to 3D Coat and am not sure why this is happening. When I try to use a Smart material that needs a AmbientOccusion and CavityMap I get weird artifacts on the model and the materials either won't adhere to them or just look really bad. These are exports from Fusion 360 that I bring in under Paint UV Map Mesh. Thanks.
    • Would it be possible to apply the normal map effect into the diffuse texture? I'm using 3d coat textura only at the moment.
    • You can try a relatively new method such as Multi-Resolution if the number of triangles is very large.
    • I can't repeat it. Will there be a bug if I switch to orthographic view?
    • The preview window renders at a Higher quality. You would need a 8k map in the smart material to closely match it.  You will be limited by the resolution of the smart material images that are used to make the smart material and your final texture resolution for your image maps. Also is how well you are using the UV space, that is how your uv-islands are filling up the uv space. I make all-my smart materials at 4K.
    • Yeah I know but I intended to do bevel for the mesh like zbrush polish workflow.The topology from blender mesh is totally mess,I dont want to go the support loop sudD workflow,its too time consuming
    • thx for the info!So capabilities is based on cpu memory?If mesh count the exceed the capabilities then caching proxy is needed,right?
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