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Posts posted by Carlosan

  1. If you have OneDrive installed, try uninstalling OneDrive

    Hope this help


    On 2/21/2023 at 8:39 AM, SERGYI said:

    "3DCoat" is trying to create a user data folder (which contains user settings and assets) inside "C:\Users\USER_NAME\OneDrive\???????\3DCoat". That is incorrect. It should create it inside "C:\Users\USER_NAME\Documents\3DCoat". To workaround this problem:
    Start > start typing "Edit the system environment variables" > Environment Variables... > System variables > New... >
    Variable name: COAT_USER_PATH
    Variable value: C:\Users\USER_NAME\Documents\My3DCoatData (specify your user name inside)



  2. Hi, the update mesh uv is deprecated, getBack from PPpainting do the same function. Update Mesh uv > get back assign the new textures over the old UVset, it is not working as expected.

    1- Send the model from Blender 2 3DC for PPPainting

    2- File > Open in external app: this command send the new painted object to Blender as a new model (the original model could be used as backup)
    The path on the Export Panel will be C:\Users\<username>\Documents\3DC2Blender\ApplinkObjects

    3- Switch to UV room and change UV islands of an already painted object, you don't need to unwrap to get the new UVset, when switch back to Paint Room 3DC automatically bake the previous painted textured to the new UVset distribution.

    4- Repeat the same step: File > Open in external app or File > Export to Blender. It import a new model with the new UVs and Textures.

  3. Hi

    Press over the tree dots at right to open the size options (tiny, normal...)



    To put the alphas always visible you need to dock the Brushes Panels (hotkey = T)

    Press and hold the upper panel's bar


    and drag to the new position (an empty square is the visual references that show where will be placed)



    • Thanks 1
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