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Everything posted by artman

  1. no,no...its already unchecked. Its the first thing I uncheck when installing 3DCoat. Edit: now thats even weirder now, some Sym setthings get stored in my presets (without me storing or updating anything in them ) even after I load another file...... I just loaded the default sphere after the Maleheadbust and I still got multiple symmetry modes across my presets...
  2. the more I use it it becomes really weirder...sometimes it seems to remember sym not only for the volume but it seems tool/brush dependant too...even when loading presets for which absolutly no symmetry was stored.What I mean is sometimes it does not use the last symmetry used but another one I used much earlier...Its like its storing some info per "tools type" even if I store nothing...
  3. I really never get holes and I've been sculpting like crazy those last weeks....I mean never ( beside the example mentioned above) I have issues with self-intersections but never holes really... what brushes do you use? I dont use CreaseClay.FlattenClay ....maybe it is the difference ...also I never use any of the shift smoothings ( I dont smooth anything actually...) It would be interesting to pinpoint what is the exact culprit.
  4. Another big issue; it seems RemoveStretcinh interaction with symm copy command generate very easily a lot of holes and weird topologies. I dont know in which build it started to happens but I use Symm Copy A LOT and I usually nevr get holes....probably something that happened in recent builds. To reproduce: 1)load defaultl male bust 2)use symm copy command 3)use brush with remove strecting along symmetry line
  5. Just noticed StoreSymmetry in preset elements and its really cool and useful!!! Big Thanx for adding this! TIP tu users :for best use be sure all your brush presets DO NOT store symmetry, then make yourself a few presets of your favorites symmetry mode/planes storing ONLY symmetry. Then you can set a few hotkeys to them and voila.... edit: Andrew just a little bug tough; updating preset do not work with this element,it only store info when doing a new fresh preset Edit: Ok,it seems it does not work correctly when switching presets that do not originate from the same tool, even if "Store Tool" is not checked.What I mean is when "store symmetry" is checked and "store tool" is not checked 3Dcoat should ONLY store symmetry......please fix because it will be very useful feature when fixed. Edit: OK. after further testing.. there is a real problem. The issue is stored symmetry modes seems to migrate to some presets for which there was even no symmetry stored....its as if 3DCoat is forcing you to store symmetry for all your presets in order to work correctly .....but we cannot do that Andrew because symmetry usage is generally based on user's project/objects not on brushes usage.
  6. Andrew I was wondering how hard would it be for RemoveStretching to remove self intersection as well? Currently using clay brushes its really easy to create self-intersections that stay hidden inside mesh and can cause problems later on when using other tools or doing other operations. thx
  7. I highly recoomend to use Cut-Off,Curves,Snake tool and do any sorts of boolean in Voxel mode instead of Surface mode Voxel mode does not give any of that self-intersection crap i totally got tired of ....its also much faster. So I do all my sculpting in SF mode but do the operations mentionned above in voxel mode. Voxel mode is a lot like dynamesh ,you need to set high resolution to capture more details if needed but the best is do those operations when the objects are still in the 500k-2 mil range...
  8. Andrew,symmetry plane is still not transformed correctly when using Transform tool rotations. (it is not in sync with the object 's rotation) Could it be fixed asap please,I cannot work without this working correctly. I reverted back to 4.1.08A just so I can keep working but I would really like to do retopo work using Axial sym. Thanx
  9. Andrew ,same here,whenever I transform/rotate objects sym mode change to general axis and sym plane gets all wrong,I need to reselect Local space after each rotations its really a major issue for me,please fix .... I'll add to Mantis. Edit:worse,It seems that even after reselecting Local space the sym plane is still wrong after rotation...I'll revert to older builds until this is fix as rotating objects+symplane is really essential part of my workflow.
  10. its a move brush that somehow grab topology continuity instead of grabbing everything within a said radius/sphere. For example if I were to use Move Topology on a finger it would avoid moving the other fingers of the hand. Of course brush radius is still relevant but it seems mesh continuity prevail in what is affected or not within the brush radius.
  11. No crash here....works fine (I used the sphere primitives from primitive tool0 But if symmetry is on 3DCoat will freeze od course ( because it is trying to merge 2 completely overlapping objects...which is impossible in 3DC)
  12. Im currently working on a character using multiple symmetry settings in 4.1.10B and it remember settings correctly per object. I have object in X,some in Y, some in Local Space ,some in Global space some On,some OFF and 3DCoat remember each settings for my objects when I select them. I don't understand why its not working on your side Edit:Andrew,It seems to stop working after a while.... actually I can't seem to make it work more than like 5 seconds ..... Objects start borrowing symmetry setup of previously selected object. It stop working sometimes after navigating or just minimizing/maximizing 3Dcoat...or maybe its random. but there is definitly a problem here. Beat,Im the one who put this issue as resolved ...sorry,it really did work when I tested it.
  13. yeah,totally... Sometimes I really have a hard time making a selection because it gets in the way of my clicks.The idea is good but the little arrow should be much pushed much further away from clicks.
  14. Andrew, Split tool is broken on my side in 4.1.10B....it does not work either in voxel or surface mode. Can anyone confirm this? thanx
  15. Thanx!!! symmetry works really nice on my side so far. Love the new on/off toggle ,no need to stack 2 functions on the hotkey anymore.
  16. Substance Painter is not a renderer,you get nice presentation shots with post-effects but you only have one shader and you can't load custom cubemaps for lighting(t think...).Toolbag has multiple shaders(skin shader with sss ect...),light maps ect....actually they are very much made to work as a combo. Latest versions Toolbag even allow the direct rendering of substances files themselves ,,,
  17. here is a weird one: there I used Symm Copy command ( sym in X is on,Global) and the normal of the volume got flipped. Very strange... never happened before. Edit: Here I attached single volume prior to using Sym Copy chest.zip
  18. here is an issue. here I used General case axis (should be called Custom Axis BTW..."general case" is not really good name) Mirroring effect of brush is correct but display of Symmetry Dot is not corresponding to brush effect,also sometimes Symmetry Dot is not there at all. suggestion:I really like General Case mode but to make it even better it would be great if we had access to a Transform Gizmo to manipulate the plane once the 2 points have been picked,it would provide much more control especially with setting the plane orientation. Edit:I also used "Symm Copy" feature exhaustively while crossing sym line with various brushes and e-panel modes and it seems pretty solid thus far except 3Dspline mode which sometimes gives very erratic selections..,,also not related to symmetry topic but 3Dspline display(the tube like 3d spline) is sometimes too big to make proper selection you really need to replace that ugly spline/cylinder with something more subtle/elegant or provide custom thickness of 3dspline display.
  19. I also experienced many unsafe situations with Resample function in one big project Im currently working on,it seems using the V icon to convert to voxels using a specific polycount is much less dangerous for unknown reasons...anyway,this has nothing to do with axial symmetry .
  20. I can't try it right now as I don't have 3DCoat near me but if you made them using picmat shaders it will probably not work,because picmats shaders get the shading baked in the color as well....what you need it pure unshaded color,I don't remember which shaders I used to make it work with DDO ...I think its either Default ,CookTorrance or Lamblight....
  21. One annoying issue when sculpting is there is no way to conveniently toggle symmetry on/off using a hotkey as before. If I stack hotkey using "no symmetry"/Symmetry ,the dialog window pop ups each time . Its very important when sculpting (painting too,I guess...) to be able to quickly toggle symmetry on/off. What I suggest is "No symmetry" option could be replaced by "symmetry on/off" ,a little like invert tool action checkbox. It would of course remember/keep last chosen symmetry mode for selected volume.
  22. I only tried retopo in local space and its awesome!! it really makes it on par with Topogun as far as retopo work goes now. Really cool I dont need to store volumes as instances anymore its a big relief. I did not test sculpting much but I can already point an issue : Symmetry Dot is missing. I will try to deep test as I finish the character Im working on,I think Resym feature will be very important to test thoroughly. edit: could you add to "To main axis","To Center mass"and "To bound Center" inside Pose tool too.Its very important when scaling in symmetry otherwise self intersection occur if gizmo is not perfectly centered and its dangerous.
  23. Andrew i posted to mantis a very major issue about Transform tool gizmo and switching room on 4.1.09A hope you find time to fix it before releasing beta build with axial sym as I would really like to test it. Probably easy to fix issue. http://3d-coat.com/mantis/view.php?id=1537 Also could it be possible to have to "To main axis","To Center mass"and "To bound Center" inside Pose tool too. Right now there is only "align to view",which makes it very diificult to work sometimes. Especially when scaling "to main axis" and "to center mass" are very important to preserve uniformity on the axis. thanx Also another issue,when using Transform tool, "To main axis" do not work correctly when voxel volume is empty(ex:empty parent layer),
  24. In 4.1.09C whenever I switch to render room while transform tool is selected the transform gizmo is resetted. Issue does not occur in 4.1.08A .
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