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Everything posted by Garagarape

  1. Yes, I've heard that news about Sculptris. I wonder how they will incorporate it to Z-Brush. There is so many good softs to test these days. Z-brush is cool too, but I never get used to retopo with Z-spheres. Voxel is so cool because you don't have to care too much about density! I noticed you like Jodorowsky. His comics are really unique. Thank you for the texturing tips. I always spend time tweaking Uvs before painting (Often using old techniques). It is very refreshing to hear about other workflows. Thanks! Good luck for your next model. Why not building one entirely from the scratch in 3d-coat? Primitives combined are nice to get quick shapes. Is Lightwave good? My company used to equip people with this soft. Then they changed for Maya. Cheers, Frederic
  2. Couldn't wait to start retopo. I make it manually to have a light model (May rig it?). No time to do it all at once...
  3. Hey! Nice sculpt! Didn't know that was your thread because of the title. Remembers me of Katsuhiro Otomo's "Tetsuo". Is it a training for next DW? Just don't reply if you wan't to keep it secret :-) Will you put some colors on it? Can't wait to see your new characters.
  4. I really like your cheese model. Wanna eat it! Cheese is so expensive here in Japan. Very hard to bare for a french guy. Process cheese, is... well, I think that's enough for cheese now. Did you unfold Uvs, after painting? Is it because you used "Vertex painting"? Didn't know that was possible. Keep on the good work; but please, no more cheese!
  5. Artman, thanks! I'm going to try the last method you talked about soon; I think the sculpt is ok even if it is not perfect (could add details, but may try just to paint them with bump and stuff). Updated post #6 picture directly. Dominance War? Yes that was fun (and pain too). Next time is scheduled during winter holidays. Will you try to make something? Can't take part to the DW this time for I'll be back to France just in the middle of the competition... I wonder how many people will enter the challenge using 3D Coat. That is surely a good weapon to fight with. Ahhhh! Wanna participate! Next post probably next week-end. Too much work at work
  6. Oh my! You are right. It ran out of memory with "Export Pattern for merge". Too bad. I guess there is solutions to that problem. 1) Create all the textures for the low model into 3d-coat with the "Merge for pixel painting with normal map" option. But still I'm under the feeling that AO maps are a little poor compared to those you get with X-normal. I will try to make tests if possible when the sculpt is done (with a light version?) 2) Cut the horse in different parts like Z-brush users do, and bake them separately in order to keep details. Anyway, that's good to have your advices. I learned something today thanks to you.
  7. Artman, Thanks for the tips! I found "To global space" function in the voxtree, that was quite fast (surely added a few tris, upgraded poor parts or calculated average values between "low" and "high" parts?). Anyway, thanks. It feels better to work without a warning message I didn't found the decimation tool. Is it something automatic when you're done with retopo and ask 3D Coat to calculate maps for painting? Or is it "export raw voxel object" in the file menu? (this one crashed when I tried it, may be this model is too heavy). I'll try to search a little more today later on.
  8. Wooohooo! 24402352 tris and the app still works smoothly! It's a pleasure. I just wonder if X-normal will swallow all that heavy structure; Noticed that the AO render was quite different baked in each soft. May be I just don't know how to tweak 3D Coat baking parameters... By the way, is it bad to work on "Non Uniform" voxel stuff. Those red letters down the screen, I wonder if it is important. Still working on head details:
  9. Wow! Nice crab. I like the porous feel you gave it with all that little holes. Have to be textured!
  10. BeatKitano, LJB, Thanks for the crits and the reference pics. Yes, there may be a problem with the proportions. In fact, I still don't know if I want it to be a "Quater Horse", a "Morgan" or something else. Probably have to decide this first I'll try to tweak it a bit with the move tool in the end. But for now, Breakfirst time!
  11. Thank you Psionic! Yes, that would have been weird not to have this option. I'm gonna try it right now.
  12. Hi everyone. A collegue and I use our lunch time at work to try all this good tools. We still don't know much so my question may be a little stupid: Is there a "Self Lit" mode while painting a model. Sometime it would be useful to have no shades on it to check for details or just imagine what it could look like in another app with different lighting. Thank you!
  13. Hi everybody! I've just started a sculpt with the voxel tools. That's a first trial. I like to use "Sculptris" too, but it seems that 3D Coat gives more possibilities. This horse was made out of primitives such as boxes and tubes (those you can distort). Will try to finish it quickly.
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