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Everything posted by Vexod14

  1. Some new render with improved lighting, just for fun ^^
  2. Yup =) And it's super cool now we can go at every point of view of the model, it was not a pain before but it's a fresh feature =)
  3. Nice update ! It seems that the gradient works damn faster now =D Another issue I guess you've seen, is when you paint with some smartmaterials, attached on your layer, stroke over stroke does not work fine. But it depends on which material you use. For example I tried with the pink plastic one ( default profided into plastic's folder ) and I didn't get any issue. Another one, on the tileplane this time. When you bake a curvature it goes full white, which is not accurate as long as the plane is not a sharp edge itself, I expected the curvature to be a "neutral grey". The issue that it leads to is that you can no longer use any smartmaterials properly on the tileplane until you've get your curvature good. I know it's not that useful and does not happen often ( honnestly I would never do that but it was someone at work who asked why it doesn't work as he expected ^^" I would'nt blame you guys if you do not plan to fix it ^^ ) And last thing, is a feature that allows to "bake" a smartmaterial on tileable PBR maps qith somthing like the export constructor ( if not that one cause it's just a perfect tool ), it might be tricky I guess. The point is that sometimes you get some good feeling on a smartmaterial but with way too much tweaks, layers and maps into it, and you can't extract what you've done to take it into, for example unreal or unity to roughly texture some environment assets. ( If that's already possible please let me know =) )
  4. I've just tested it, and I still got the issue on full layer fill in gradient mode depicted by Carlosan and I. The issue on the default TilePlane's curvature/AO bake are still here too. But as I guess we're not enough users working with the tileplane intensively, just the gradient issue should be fixed ( btw I may find a workarround to generate my curvature/AO on external software )
  5. got that issue of noisy fill too, but only when I do it "by layer". Filling the mesh piece by piece work fine for me ( I tried it on the default robot, maybe it's issued when you only have one single part as the sphere has I guess )
  6. Same issue on 4.7.32, I noticed it's easier to view it when you use the long range curvature. I also noticed that this issue pattern follow the tileplane's edges, I tried with a custom tileplane from maxand I got the same issue only on UV seams ( and btw the only edges of the mesh except triangulated ones )
  7. Hi guys ! I've got an issue that is here since several builds, here it's from the 4.7.24. The issue is about curvature baking on 3dCoat's default Tile plane, it has some artifacts on UVs borders and partially on the half of the texture. Steps to reproduce : - open the default tile - paint on a new layer something which use depth parameter. Paint on seams and paint large - bake a curvature with its default options - activate curvature's layer visibility and show up seams, then look close at them ( if it's not clear toggle the "flat shade" mode ) Almost same issue on AO but only on half of the UVs ( bake a default AO and choose Standard Blending mode to see it )
  8. Ok, so I splitted the mesh by elements on 3dsmax, then reimported it on 3dcoat, it worked fine but the curvature took way more time to be computed ( it usually take few seconds, now it took some minutes ). I guess that separate by "connective picking" would lead to that same huge bake time, but that way we could keep our lowpoly's element hierarchy clean, as we dont always need to explode our models and we need sometimes to keep it the way we want in order to have some premade group selections.
  9. Hi guys ! I got an issue with fill tool, when I fill "by layer" I got strange dithering all over the model, not sure if this is an isolated bug that I only have. Steps to reproduce : -Open the default robot given by 3dcoat -Choose FIll tool -Enable Gradient mode -Pick one point, then move both where you want -hit layer in order to fill the entire layer ( I did it into "Layer 9" ) > I got no issue if I fill the layer piece by piece, but it's a real pain =/ By the way, will it be possible to kill all "warning" windows about "are you sure you want to do this action ?" by adding some "expert mode" enable hitbox or something alike ? ( And, well, thanks for bringing back those gradient points, I missed them a lot ! ) Another "bug" I found out was about the new curvature baking system, it seems like the long range curvature is in fact a simple ambient occlusion when pushed to its limits, for example take that same robot and bake a curvature with settings of the second screenshot, and look at the texture editor to understand the issue ; the curvature seems to bake contacts zones as a regular occlusion would do, but also gives a cool smoothing over all hard edges which gives an awesome conrtol when doing smartmaterials. THe fact is that it's possible to make cool things with this long range curvature, but I think that another setting ( in addition to the long range & regular curvature settings ) with only smoother cavity/convexity baking could be useful as well =) Thanks for the huge amount of excellent work & support guys ! Have a nice week-end =)
  10. Hi again guys ! I just finished the Acclamator Class StarDestroyer, qith the same workflow I used back in 2013 for modeling/texturing, so it's not really PBR as I use the simplest map channels possible ( Albedo/Diffuse, Roughness=1 Metal=0, AO and Emissive ), you have a sketchfab viewer here : https://sketchfab.com/models/4b8c1ff8b1484a3e89f52232ce37593d Now...The republic's fleet is cool enough I guess, let's do some CIS Spacecrafts ^^
  11. Woohooo !! Another guy =D Still fully done with 3dsMax/3DCoat/Akeytsu =)
  12. New one guys ! =) Sketchfab viewer : Shocker 204 ArtStation post : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/qK1Yz
  13. Thanks a lot guys =) And be sure I'm keeping it up
  14. Hi guys, really sorry for not updating this post as I did new robots and reworked the ones I show you last time with my new texturing/modeling workflow, which one is already used a lot on my star wars project ^^ I joined some pics to show off some of them and also sketchfab links if you want to turn arround the meshes a bit =) 3DCoat is almost the only tool I use for texturing, no substance designer or painter, almost no photoshop. Here are the links : Sentinel / Worker / BadBot / Hunter [Zx-T6] Hope this will work this time, for everyone ^^ And btw I hope you'll like them =)
  15. Last one =) PlaceHolder Replaced 2K PBR Maps done with 3dsMax/3DCoat
  16. Hi guys ! I've been working almost all days durings the holidays and I'm having fun doing environment stuff, the most exciting thing I found in the field of 3D industry =D ( the spacecraft is an old one which, well, can't fly cause it's not aerodynamic, but it's a good placeholder ^^" ) I'm also working hard on blueprint learning how to use it for making a plyable character with a super friend and teacher, Fantin Gislette, and for now, Meven can move, jump, use her jetpack ( without VFX and sounds but they'll come ^^ ) and grab her saber/gun =D It's sooooo fuuuuun ! Btw I'm still not really thinking about the leveldesign but the atmosphere and the place I want to move on ^^" I only have some sci-fi crates there and away to jump on and that's it ( but I want to slash droids...and move objects with the force and so much more ! ) So here are some screenshots guys, hope you'll find some interesting here and if you have any suggestion for some stuff to add on the ground/wall/anywhere I'll take care of it ( I have an "ideabox" where I write all the cool things I found anytime, so yours will be welcome =D ) Des bisous !
  17. Really sorry for the report, check these links to all anim loops : Animation - Mevenn - Idle - Force Push Animation - Mevenn - Idle - Bang Bang ! Animation - Mevenn - Idle - Lightsaber On Animation - Mevenn - Cycle - Walk Don't forget to turn textures in HD
  18. New stuff arround the main character ! I finally did the animation part, well, started to do it ^^" I definetly want to play with her in a 3D plateformer beat them all like The force unleashed but against droïds, CSI bots & machines =D But there's a lot more animation to do btw... I'm working on a run, jump, and some attack moves are planed too, but I may switch on Clone Trooper's anim cycles to get a fresh eye over all animations ( I guess it's best ^^ )
  19. Some new stuff arround the clone wars, full res here : http://vexod14.deviantart.com/art/414th-on-Geonosis-624621359 All the project files are grouped on this artstation's post : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/gO4Pm Alll assets were textured under 3D-Coat. I'll never said thank you so much for this wonderful software, and I REALLY mean it. I'll post animated assets as soon as I'll have them on sketchfab, but don't expect me to finish this task quickly as long as I'm not a good animator. I also need a break on this Clone Wars project ^^" Des Bisous ! And sorry for my english ( even if I know how it's weak to appologies like that +P )
  20. New one ! Blaster Rifle DC-15A used by Clones =D Links to artstation & sketchfab : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/gGL3E https://sketchfab.com/models/637123a9a767409681274744e4ca925a Enjoy =)
  21. The last one, another lightsaber ^^" It's the one Obi Wan had in the Phantom Menace, check it here on Sketchfab : https://sketchfab.com/models/bd0c8e0933774443b1bd22247a94c46e And here you've got a "PowerON" blade version ^^ : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/WgdL3 I've not check the last Beta of 3DC but it looks damn awesome =O Keep doing great things 3DCoat Dev Team & users !
  22. New Star Wars Stuff =D For these two assets I've not used smart materials, I've just handpainted the mesh and then convert all layered effects to the right values of Metalness/Rougness/DetailNormal maps. Blaster DC-15S by Etienne Beschet on Sketchfab Mevenn's Lightsaber by Etienne Beschet on Sketchfab The Sith hilt was done entirely using SmartMaterials, but is less in the Clone Wars Art Direction than the two others ( Note that the PBR take me away from TCW art direction too ^^" ) Sith Lightsaber by Etienne Beschet on Sketchfab I did this conceptart before doing the Sith hilt, this guy has no name so for now he will be "Lord-Whatyouwant" ^^"
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