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Everything posted by sprayer

  1. Yes would be interested to see how rhino from last video was made with 70+kk polys without glitches and crash
  2. @L'Ancien Regime I am not sure, still testing. Sadly there is no any docs and description to nodes. And it's not polished i think, for example node from texture, you may notice it's inserted in invisible mark(Sampler2d). Would be logical to make one node for all MaterialIO like final node But you already may achieve interesting result with procedural maps.
  3. Yes it's not very intuitive and with some bugs you have to close and apply shader again to see result. You need to start from MaterialIO this is main slots for example albedo it's for color input. Again if you do not see result or model is invisible it's a bug here starting point
  4. @Andrew Shpagin is this right behavior and not possible to work like in voxel mode?
  5. @polynut it's freezing for me, looks like because too many points, simplify curve also freeze or to long for operation. Yes it takes several minutes for simplify, but it works strange
  6. It was in surface mode, voxel working fine if you asking about alpha brush problem. You may check on your side, brush pack i was share couples pages ago
  7. I have 4k 43", 125% system scale, medium default font size is enough for me
  8. @Andrew Shpagin First stroke still mirrored and shape of alpha wrong in surface mode Also spacing somehow effects depth for strips 2021-07-10 22-18-03.mp4 2021-07-10 22-09-49.mp4 2021-07-10 22-07-05.mp4 2021-07-10 22-09-49.mp4 2021-07-10 22-09-49.mp4
  9. I can record longer video with different models if that would help. It happens on edit boxes what renaming with single click i believe (surface materials and paint objects) It is always happens in any rooms in "surface materials" panel. In "paint objects" only for robot model. Resizing panel not changing this behavior, it effects even to floating panel. I have 125% system scale if this information needed
  10. @Andrew Shpagin Bug with renaming window, just clicking on surface material 2021-07-09 20-37-07.mp4
  11. @Allabulle matcap still with bugs but it works. Workaround : -RMB on matcap shader -construct new shader -write name -click OK -!click cancel and copy of matcap will be created o_O 2021-07-09 19-56-59.mp4
  12. @Andrew Shpagin First stroke is mirrored. And with small spacing it loosing details in surface mode 2021-07-09 19-38-51.mp4
  13. @Allabulle matcaps working with PNG but with bugs, already reported several times =( 2021-07-07 19-46-39.mp4
  14. @liok i've test again your model it works even without scaling but with worse result, still it works. it takes around 30second on my 4790. I imported model without voxelization. Try to reset settings it may help in some case
  15. @liok Yes layer0 should be renamed, maybe in Base layer. And Root in sculpt room totally useless Autopo with your model works fine nothing change in settings
  16. With Segoe UI looks a bit better to me, thanks
  17. I think it will be when it will released stable version what looks like will be in next two weeks
  18. @AbnRanger Steam takes 30% fee AFAIK. You can share steam games with 10pc and 5 accounts, do not know how it works with 3dcoat though. It is better to have to sell everywhere and people can choose where to buy, or you will be like Epic store with game politics and will be hatred. Blender and other app also in steam. And you can use steam not only like store but like launcher and add any app and game from HDD. There is many community articles with moding stuff for games what people can read and use. You even can chat with developers there. You can work use remote control from other device. So it's not just store but big platform with huge community. Why not?
  19. @Carlosan Yes packing may help, and you can photoshop this layer, but i think it's old bug or restriction for panting zone with padding
  20. Is it only for me voxel mode with base clay working slow with 1kk polys compare to 4.9 there 4kk polys working pretty fast?
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