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Everything posted by Elemeno

  1. just wondering what features are hitting 2023 ... been plenty on the forums hoping we get some sort of teaser or roadmap to what was confirmed...
  2. when setting up decals... make sure you have an alpha channel otherwise it will just notice it as black.
  3. nope... it needs to be a 16bit tif image... otherwise it adds weird colours
  4. no hes right... 3dcoat is calculating alphas incorrectly... its making mine show as a slightly grey .. which gives the wrong output
  5. go into edit preferences an set "pan" to a custom button .. MMB is just set as default ..... happy pan day
  6. annoying isnt it... i have no idea why this happens.. theres probably a reason behind it.. but for now ... the deletion must continue
  7. ahh amazing! ... even though how much time ive spent playing with 3dcoat theres alw3ays still more features lurking about hope your Christmas was as good as it could be .. families are all safe .. lets hope 2023 ends all this nonsense soon
  8. we've pointed this out before .. the benefits of quads over tris.. but these are separate .. dont use voxels.. voxels will be triangulated and give strange results but they are amazing for getting results fast try the primitives in modelling room , but i believe 3dcoat doesnt use catmull clark SD ... so its their own way ...
  9. if animation is within your interest. simple google search of "disney topology" will be a great place to start , you can see exactly how they create flow specific for character..
  10. thing with retopology ... it differs for each use.. for example if its just static then topology and topology flow doesn't matter... because its purely to show, but if youre animating or creating low poly art then topology does matter... and even though autopo is nice, manual will always be best imagine topology would follow face wrinkles.. its the part of your face that deforms most.. so if you have topology to follow that then you can animate cleanly ... right now you wont care too much , enjoy the art let the annoying things come later
  11. what would be really amazing is a proper ui... something that makes sense , so the paint room channels being seperate like how Substance painter does it.. clear layers , also just have all meshes in one box... no polygroups , just have a column next to mesh [pg] and in that box you can "RMB" and convert to voxels or surface
  12. yea i cant find the tool either ... and its not in the subtool menu either
  13. underneath scripts is the selection... its currently set to auto but left to right is vertices ,edges, faces
  14. any news whats coming to 3d coat 2023? haven't seen any hints as to the new features etc
  15. you can still use freeze tool while using the voxel engine... you just cant use the voxel tools... you can use the surface tools etc
  16. when im sculpting faces... heads anything with tiny details, i need the freeze tool.. so whats the benefit of voxels if you can use them ? i always have to use freeze tool in surface? then why not focus on traditional polygons?
  17. voxel engine is still bugged... flat polish doesnt work correctly , triangles in surface still a huge issues for keeping a clean topology and destroyed details with its triangle conversion
  18. Desktop 05-12-2022 17-45-14.mp4 a little bug with vox hide also vox layer still have some issues, anything other than flat surfaces and it doesnt make the layer. also unlinking polygroups to sculpt room destroys original mesh unless you change polygroups name
  19. im finding that i have to constantly restart 3dcoat for certain things to work... vox layer or modelling rooms...
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