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Everything posted by stevecullum

  1. Sure - I was under the impression that any export would auto-create any UV that was needed. So in that way I assumed we wouldn't need to create anything ourselves. Perhaps Andrew can clarify the situation?
  2. Thats the confusing part - just export model and textures, I interpreted as 'No UV maps to create - just export model and textures'
  3. Then I'm not quite understanding Andrew's comment here:
  4. Now that does sound cool! Why don't you just intergrate it into 3DCoat as any other function? I can see this being a big selling point...No UVing, No Seams, Rock 'n' Roll
  5. In the longer term, once 3d apps support this format, we might not need UV maps at all!
  6. Jan 15, 2010 Ptex released as free open source. http://ptex.us/ Would love to have UV free painting in 3dcoat!
  7. Thanks - Seems to work ok with OBJ, but I'll bare in mind the open mesh issue for LWO objects.
  8. And me too - thanks! Thats odd that it works ok with OBJ but not LWO. Minor bug I suppose...
  9. I've attached the object if anyone else wants to have a go. I'm using Cuda 64 version.
  10. Tried that - doesn't make any difference. I went through all options, but still the same.
  11. When merging poly meshes into voxel sculpt, I get these strange artifacts. Is this a known issue - anyone else got the same problem?
  12. Thanks for the new vids - most helpful. Sometimes after creating UV maps after retopo, I see strange invisible areas on the mesh in the painting window. When I examin the UV maps they seem fine though - any idea what causes this?
  13. I've been trying this too and get the same problems. I want to have a separate 2k map for my characters head and another for the body. I'll probably have to work on both parts separately and stitch things back together in Lightwave.
  14. While having auto quadrangulate can be useful, most of the time is doesn't really create shapes efficiently or using the correct loops etc... I was thinking about how you could improve this and was wondering if you had a database of known shape types - faces, arms, legs, tubes, etc... could you use those to create a base? So I would envisage going to a panel and selecting the nearest type shape to my sculpture. This would be broken down into areas that are marked/painted. Arms and Head for example, and then 3D Coat would try to use this extra data to create a lores base, but with the loops and poly flows it knows in the database. I'm probably just rambling here, but it would be great to see some improvements to this feature.
  15. I found them to be useful too...especially the wrap tool - I hadn't even noticed it was even in the menu! Of course now there are some cool new tools, you will need to release another video tutorial series showing how to integrate them into a workflow. Perhaps a muscled hero, built from the new curves tools and muscles?
  16. Having a problem here. If I choose the new sketch tool, then click choose but abort the selection, nothing works. It seems to be stuck in sketch tool. Anyone else? I'm using 64 bit GL Cuda version. EDIT: Just ignore me, seems ok now I've re-started!
  17. Yeah come on, spill the beanz! Don't want to spend money on ZB unnecessarily if 3DC is going to get something along these lines...
  18. Wow, just saw the demo - that's some pretty awesome base mesh creation method! I always felt trying to create a base mesh from curves in 3DC a bit clunky and limited, but with ZS2 I can create the base mesh in there and then import to 3DC for detailing and texture painting
  19. I spent the time retopo-ing using the sketch tool. I didn't realise it could do entire loops I'm sure certain efficiencies could be made though with better use of the tools, but I may try your idea next time and see how that works out. Thanks
  20. Thanks for the info - I thought that might be the case. It would be great in a future version to be able to use some kind of curve system in indicate the flow of the polys it creates. You seem to know the tools quite well - any tips on getting the most out them?
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