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Everything posted by Drocket

  1. It was Newteks first (borked) attempt at unifying and redisgning a new lightwave. A lot of the stuff in CORE eventually made its way into the current version of lightwave (I have 10.1 and haven't looked at newer versions but it has gradually been improved). If you google newtek core you will find lots of material on the web.
  2. I no longer pay for software without seeing or prefereably testing it first, CORE taught me that. It is a shame as I like a lot of other users were fully on board for CORE but looking back it was too ambious a plan, they should have gone the route they eventually did go. The trouble I have is how things changed with regards customer feedback when Rob came on board, I get he doesn't want to reveal things until they are ready but he needs to show things to get people to bite. You fishing analogy is a good one. Faith in a product can only get you so far. I hope Lightwave sticks around, I always enjoyed using it.
  3. Hey AbnRanger, Rob has started a new thread with some examples http://forums.newtek.com/showthread.php?148246-Examples-of-the-New-LightWave-Volumetric-and-PBR-Engine I got burnt with core back in the day so I'm not going to jump on any schemes to lock me into future discounts, I will wait for 2016 to surface then consider getting back on board, I still have my 10.1 install (which I hardly ever use now). Andrew.
  4. It has always done this on Linux (at least for me and a few others). I keep thinking I am going to hear from Andrew asking what is going on haha but I have let them know in the past and it keeps doing it. Incidentally I am also running Arch but I doubt it is an Arch specific problem.
  5. When you go to the upgrade screen you need to put both serial numbers in (win and mac in your case) to get licenses for both platforms, it costs $10 more for both licenses over a single license.
  6. Nice upgrade and pricing Andrew. I noticed no paypal option, I prefer to use paypal when I can as I don't need to keep giving out my credit card details. Also thanks for the generous upgrade pricing when you have licenses on more than one platform, I moved to Linux a while back but also have a Windows license, the upgrade for one was $84, upgrade for both $94
  7. I haven't had chance to install it yet but I believe you simply download version 4x and install it, you don't need to upgrade your existing license. I think they have simply replaced the basic versions with free versions, that is you no longer need to purchase the basic version. Andrew.
  8. +1 to this idea. I am painting brick textures across separate but multiple objects that sit next to each other in a scene, I am bringing them into 3D Coat as separate objects and it is a real pain trying to paint them to the same size and scale, has anyone any suggestions? Thanks, Andrew.
  9. Hi Sergyi, Thanks for the explanation, I will make a note of the /bin directory time stamp for if it happens again. In the email I sent to support yesterday I also asked if there is the crash report option in the Linux version of 3D Coat, this would be useful for when crashes happen. Thanks, Andrew.
  10. Hi, I am running 3DCoat 3.08B on Arch Linux x64. It has mostly been okay apart from the odd crash here and there, but today I will start 3DCoat and find I am running in demo mode (so I cannot export textures etc), I got prompted a couple of times during the day to register at which point it would work again for a while. Other times shutting 3DCoat down and relaunching it again after a short period would solve the problem but it is a real pain because I don't notice it immediately and so do some work and come to export the texture to find I can't. Any one else had a similar problem? Thanks, Andrew.
  11. Hi Lukas, I had exactly the same issue except on Arch Linux (I had previously been using Ubuntu 11.10 without a problem). Anyway I had installed the noveau drivers so I uninstalled them and installed the propriety nVidia drivers and it all works again. I notice you say you have an Intel GPU so I'm not sure if this is going to work for you but on Ubuntu Open your "System Settings" and click the "Additional Drivers" icon. Check to see if there are any propriety drivers available for your graphics card. Hope that helps. Andrew.
  12. Maybe Andrew could implement some sort of user palette which the user can configure so it lists their most used tools? That way you can minimize the tools you use very little and access the main tools from your user palette.
  13. Really nice tutorials Greg, thanks for doing them, I am looking forward to the next ones in the series where you texture/paint Mr Rat Have you got plans for other tutorials?
  14. Thanks for the tutorials Psionic, these and your other ones are really good, you have an easy going teaching style and I will look out for any other tutorials you do as I am new to creating game assets so need all the help I can get esspecially with workflow
  15. I just checked on 3.5.01 and they have renamed them but in your version of 3D Coat it is indeed "Auto retopo and paint".
  16. Yeah I second this, I would love to see how you go about retopoing that, it looks great Tinker, well done and a big thanks for the greebles
  17. Congratulations on a great release Andrew, you are a programming monster
  18. Hi Andrew, This is now fixed in the final release of 3.5.00, thanks Great release. Andrew.
  19. Hi Andrew, Just a follow up, after a bit of cleaning up in lightwave I have managed to import the object into 3.5.00. Thanks, Andrew.
  20. Hi Andrew, I just downloaded version 3.5.00 and the object I sent you via email now causes 3D-Coat to become unstable and close down creating a crash report (which I have also sent) when I try to "import model for ptex" painting. I also emailed you the file again. Thanks, Andrew.
  21. Thanks for this latest build Andrew, this is by far the best version of the auto-rep you have released, very much appreciated. Andrew.
  22. I hope you manage to also have a break Andrew, though by the sound of it you are going to be busy.
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