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Posts posted by MJonathan

  1. 5 hours ago, poeboi said:


    For Voxel surface, freezing and changing to move tool like this,
    it works great in surface no problem, in Voxel mode it loses the mask after one move operation
    I forget if it used to work better in earlier builds
    it offers a lot of control, would be very thankful if it can work like this 


    To mantein the mask, you can uncheck this option in your brush settings. But I hope the freeze tool can work by default in voxel mode. image.png.5b106293de3a422c4846bd41387c0476.png

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  2. Thanks for the tips! The number 1 is useful! but I have a problem! When I pressed "Ctrl + Click" the viewport changed to mask! That's ok! But now I don't know how to get back to the previous state in the viewport! I pressed "5" in my keyboard but it didn't work! and I was looking for an option in the "view" menu, but I couldn't find a solution!

  3. 7 hours ago, Oleg_Shapo said:


    Hi! Edges can be processed with the Bevel tool and only by switching to Surface mode.

    I don't think he refers to this! I think he refers as elemo said! the hability to have edge polished! in 3dcoat we have Plane and Scrape brushes, but it's difficult to get good results comparing with hpolish.

  4. 2 hours ago, al_stig said:

    I've tried to convert the python with 2to3 using some suggestions from the following website:
    This is the result.
    In this code I got by conversion I got an error on line 1020

     1020           return wrapinstance(long(ptr), QtGui.QMainWindow)

    After I changed long to int, I could actually load the plugin.
    I've added the 3D coat path into settings (via mel shelf ) and tried to send the mesh to 3D coat for retopo, etc.
    Now I'm getting the error in the following line:

    1034               if line.lower().startswith('3d-coat'):

    Can you help ?


    conversion_log.txt 5.49 kB · 1 download 3dc_applink.py 54.22 kB · 1 download 3dc_applink.py.bak 54.22 kB · 1 download

    I don't have maya 2024 for test the code, but reading line 1020 you made a good job changing "long" for "int". Now for the line 1034 you can try changing the string '3d-coat'  for '3dcoatgl64'.

    • Like 1
  5. Sculpt Layers (Sculpt Room) and Polygroup Layers (Modeling Room) are not connected, I hope developers connect these rooms. My recommendation.. you need to use sculpt room for this workflow. The brush is Spheres, you can find it in Voxel Tools in the left panel. Or alternative use 3d primitive tool located in the left panel too.

  6. The sliders in paint room layer system are very slow when I work with 2k or 4k maps. I have i7 6700k and GTX 1070. When I move the slider it performs operations and my fps change to 10 or 11 fps. I think that the event of sliders are bad configured. It needs to perform the operation after the user release their LMB or optimize the performance to get realtime feedback. image.thumb.gif.50633c11c47a38328fbb32a0962e2ebb.gif

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  7. 25 minutes ago, awhawkins said:

    Thanks Poeboi for your response.  What I am trying to accomplish is the opposite.  I want to add low poly primitives to a layer one at a time to manipulate individually without impacting the other layers.  I will take a look at the applink in blender and see how this works.

    Are you using Sculpt Tree to separate the geometry? image.thumb.gif.28ae3f17d1640293e3d616a82c92bd0e.gif

  8. 12 hours ago, Carlosan said:


      I'd want to report a bug @Carlosan. Mask with opacity works perfect, but when I want to turn off the mask layer like 4:12 and 5:12 in this video, It didn't work! I tried several times with the sames steps that in the video. Can you try and verify the bug please? I'm using 3dCoat 2023.11

    • Thanks 1
  9. On 3/29/2023 at 1:45 PM, Elemeno said:

    would be nice to see a painter type layer system

    Yes!! It can be awesome, painter has very similar layers to photoshop, and RMB to get options like levels, color correct, anchor points, etc. And blend modes per channel, actually 3dcoat has blend modes only for diffuse channel, we need blend modes for all the channels. These are suggestion to improve de User Experience.

    Other suggestion for the UI is to have a proper Outliner like maya or blender. Actually, we have a lot of tabs for objects. Sculpt Tree, paint objects, curves tree, poly groups. That is very confuse! A simple way to manage that, is to have an outliner, then in the outliner you have different types of objects (curves, lights, geometry, particles, etc). So when you select an item in outliner, you have other attribute panel with the actions for that object. In maya is called attribute editor. Maya works with nodes, similar to houdini (it's in other level), every item has its own node with its attributes, that's very powerful for artist and developers.

    Other good implementation for UI can be, pie menus, and improve the creation of objects. In maya, 3ds max, blender we have very intuitive menu of creation. For example, in blender you can press Shift + A in the viewport, and automatically it creates a menu with submenus with type of objects.

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  10. I think at this moment that the User Experience needs to be more important for developers than User Interface. Both are related, but actually it's so complex to work with a same model in all the rooms. In the menus are options that aren't relation with the current room. Blender had the same problem with user experience in older versions, but now in 2.8 and above, they improved It, and It's very friendly to change between different contexts.

  11. On 3/15/2023 at 2:55 AM, Oleg_Shapo said:

    As far as I remember, all the errors from your post have been fixed -


    I was reading the @Just a user suggestions in that post. But @Oleg_Shapo "all the errors from your post have been fixed" that is false. He enumerated 9 points. Can you share with us, what of these 9 points were implemented? I know that developers are working hard to fix bugs, so I appreciate that too much.

  12. 8 hours ago, Carlosan said:

    Trim Dynamic = Flatten tool

    Where are these parameters? I can't see them in the Flatten Tool. Also, plane tool is so good, but you need to perform several actions like modify the camera angle + RMB to get the pixel position in the space, next you can use the brush. I think that developers can create a good trim adaptative, to get the sculpt feeling. But it's only my perception. I'm not sure but I feel that in zbrush the trim adaptive gets the normal vector of the face to calculate the trim instead of use the camera to calculate the vectors to trim. Anyway Plane tool looks good! thanks Carlosan. image.thumb.png.6d1808663fb00cc76f115aea1dccdcd2.png

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    • Thanks 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Henry Townshend said:

    So I like to request a "Toggle" for Smooth Catmull Clark, so a user can go back and forth, no-destructively, between base geo and snapped subdiv, enabling an accurate preview without actually applying the subdivision. This can be saved for the end, e.g. having a tool button "Apply SmoothCC".

    Yes! It is a good request!  I'd like to have the ability to previs the model smoothed! It is very useful in animation and vfx, cause' we are going to apply that smooth subdivisions in the render process. but only in render, not in the geometry. Here is an example with maya, I pressed 1 to show low poly, and 3 to show with smooth subd catmull clark. Most of the render engines like arnold, redshift, renderman, use catmull clark subdivisions in the tesellation process. So when in maya I pressed "3" I know that I have 2 catmull clark subdivisions, next in render I set the teselletion to 2 subdivs to get the same result that I have in viewport. I know that 3dcoat has live smooth, but it doesn't work in the same way.image.thumb.gif.5f24f1509331976d2576c8df7c63b6ba.gif

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