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  1. Hi team I tried to re-import the same material with the incorrect folder structure and I'm happy to report this has been fixed with 3DCoat 2023.41
  2. I can do you one better. Here is the exact Material I used that failed to import. I sent this to support so I found the older .zip file (with the incorrect directory structure) in the email attachment. I hope this helps. If you try importing it, it will only be a blank white material. If you remove the parent folder of the same name and try importing it again, the material import will work. marble_polished_ufojbixl.zip
  3. Hmmmmm I don't like having to click "save" 2200 times ... I wonder if I could use this to automate this? # This example demonstrates how to click any item in UI import coat import time for i in range(0, 1000): print(f'Iteration:\t{i}') coat.ui.cmd("$DialogButton#1"); # Click "OK" dialouge box to install the Quixel Smart Material time.sleep(5) # Wait for a few seconds so next dialouge prompt appears. # Rinse repeat 1000 times. Added screenshot below for more context of what I'm trying to automate in the UI. Is there a way I can check if the next dialogue prompt has appeared? Because if I can do that. Then I don't need to use the sleep function and I can see it working in real time. Hmmmmmmmmm ... how can I click the "save" button automatically using a script? EDIT: This script is still experimental use this at your own risk!
  4. Okay I figured it out so I might as well share this here. NOTE: I will probably upload all the source code to a GitHub repo for anyone to use with additional documentation. Script #1: remove_whitespace.sh As the name implies this script cleans up all Quixel folders and replaces any occurrence of a whitespace (' ') with an underscore ('_'). This is important because the second script can't append the appropriate string unless the name has been cleaned up. The directory currently looks like this (Note: I'm showing this in WSL, but you can view this in File Explorer as well) Script #2: automate_quixel_rename.sh As the name implies this script renames all Quixel folders and appends the "_2K_surface_ms" without this 3DCoat cannot recognize the file for automatic import. DISCLAIMER: I only have 2K resolution assets so I've hardcoded the append variable to "_2K_surface_ms" however you can set this to whatever resolution your Quixel assets are. (i.e "_4K_surface_ms", "_8K_surface_ms") After running the script, you the directories will look like this: For clarity this is what it looks like on File Explorer: Inside 3DCoat (version -- 2023.40), you can add the additional Quixel folder by following these steps: 1. Open 3DCoat. 2. Go to the Edit > Preferences. 3. Navigate to `Input/Output` tab. 4. Here, you should see an option for `Additional Quixel folder' 5. Set the path to where you're Quixel folder materials are and hit apply and close. Restart 3DCoat and you will be welcomed with the following: Now I can import all of my 2200 Quixel Smart Materials (of 2K resolution) into 3DCoat 2023.40
  5. I ran into this issue. Here is a script I wrote that will automate the process of creating individual zip files without having a parent folder of the same name. For context my Quixel Directory is "D:\QUIXEL\Downloaded\surface" I used WSL Windows Subsystem for Linux so my path is defined as "/mnt/d/QUIXEL/Downloaded/surface". But this can also be done via PowerShell where you can use the windows file system native path. This is what my surface folder looks like: This is the bash script I created: I decided to move all the .zip files into a new folder called ARCHIVE inside the surfaces directory. $ mkdir ARCHIVE $ mv *.zip ./ARCHIVE This is the final result: And before you ask yes the parent folder name is not present. So these .zip files can be imported into 3DCoat without any issues! Here is a screenshot verifying this! Importing the material looks like this: I have already done a feature request where 3DCoat does a recursive folder import, so even if there is a parent directory it recursively searches for all files ending in *.jpg or *.png and imports them appropriately. Another nice feature would be a mass material import. I have over 2200 Quixel materials in zip files, and I don't want to manually install them one by one. I'm looking into automating this via the 3DCoat Python API library, and will update this post if I find anything regarding that. I do hope this helps.
  6. Hi Team, I'm using Quixel Bridge to install Smart Materials on my device, and Quixel Bridge automatically extracts the folder on my device. When I tried installing the Quixel Smart material into 3DCoat, I was originally getting a blank white material. The import was failing. Upon further inspection I realized this was because the .zip file I created had a parent folder of the same name. Example (Incorrect zip structure): concrete_smooth_vh0xccl.zip/concrete_smooth_vh0xccl/(previews, Thumbs, vh0xccl.json, vh0xccl_2K_Albedo.jpg, vh0xccl_2K_AO.jpg, etc) Example (Correct zip structure): concrete_smooth_vh0xccl.zip/(previews, Thumbs, vh0xccl.json, vh0xccl_2K_Albedo.jpg, vh0xccl_2K_AO.jpg, etc) Feature Request: [Recursive Folder Import] Given a .zip archive file look through children and subchildren folders recursively and find all files ending with the *.jpg and *.png file extension and import appropriately when installing a Quixel Smart Material.
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