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Everything posted by Crush

  1. It should be possible to create a shader that can serve the wished results. My first tests did not show the correct result, but the TLHPro_Raytype has a shadow node that could be able to do the right thing with the correct node configuration. Some surface command hiding the objects from rendering by the camera and reflection could also show up nice.
  2. Isn´t it enough to render the shadow pass?
  3. It would be a great solution to go on with the development on it and 3DC could really use such a powerful addition. I still prefer and use 3DCoat and Messiah very often besides the bigger tools I own like Lightwave and Modo. Fori seems to have other more interesting projects to do than Messiah and is an awful community treater. Most of the effects are still very capable with bigger programs and there are a lot of really great animation features and plugins. Hopefully Andrew reads this and decides to try something to push 3DCoat with the Messiah package into a bright future.
  4. Thank you Andrew for reintroducing the old style quick quadrangulation method in 4.5.15!
  5. I see that auto retopo is much much faster than before or did I miss something in previous usage? Can it be there has been done a lot of code optimizing with autopo? Sad that the old quick remeshing is still not reimplemented again.
  6. Javis, thank you for answering, but it didn´t help. Again I post because I´m still missing the quick retopology function in 4.1. I reinstalled 4.0.2 (the last I knew that had it) and the function is not the usual autopo dialog - it´s totally different and 100 or 1000 times faster in tesselation with assured 100% quads. It´s also not the export quad function that creates worse results compared to it. You can activate it with RMB in the voxel room on the object->Autopology->uncheck "create edge lines". The dialog appearing has less and totally different parameters. I attached some screenshots showing it (in german).
  7. In 3DCoat 4.0.1 gab es noch eine superschnelle remeshing funktion, die immer perfekte Quad-Meshes erzeugt hat, vermutlich um den Faktor 100 bis 1000 mal schneller als das normale Autopo. Dies ist ganz ausdrücklich NICHT die "normale" Autopology Funktion mit den Leitlinien. Man konnte Sie im Voxelraum über das Kontextmenü aktivieren, wenn man "Leitlinien" deaktiviert hat. Dann gab es einen Dialog, der sonst nie aufgetaucht ist (siehe Screenshots). Es war zwar nicht mehr möglich die genaue Polygonanzahl zu definieren (nur sehr grob), aber mit den Glättungsphasen hatte man einen guten Einfluß auf die Vereinfachungstiefe und das Gesamtergebnis. Diese Methode war übrigens auch nicht die Export-Methode, welches keine auch nur halbwegs vergleichbar gute Ergebnisse liefert. Wegen der Geschwindigkeit war das super praktisch und voll ausreichend für Landschaftsumgebungen oder hochkomplexe Modelle wie z.B. Berge mit weitläufig verzweigten inneren Tunnelsystemen - das Innere wird dabei auch prima remesht. Gibts es noch in den neuen Versionen irgendeine Möglichkeit die Leitlinien wieder zu deaktivieren und diese Remeshing-Methode zu starten?
  8. I miss the old quick retopology function in 4.1 that gave in every case turbo quick perfect quad results that were ok for most non animated objects. Is it now hidden somewhere or do I have to set a switch to see it again?
  9. There´s a very nice tree generator from the 3DCoat developer for free (if you own 3DCoat): http://3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=1003
  10. Liveclay also has some collision detection features.
  11. Why being so hot on this? There are a lot of really cool and much better 3D sketching tools available. I use those: http://www.shapeshop3d.com http://www.archipelis.com http://www.cgchannel.com/2012/05/rigmesh-putting-the-fun-back-into-rigging or http://www.curvy3d.com And there are a few more out there.
  12. Is there a problem with the Applink? My Modo & Messiah<->3DC connection is not working anymore. Going Back to 3.7 works again.
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