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Everything posted by Taros

  1. Hallo zusammen. Ich habe eine kleine Anleitung vorbereitet, wie man die tollen 3D-Grid Features in 3D-Coat nutzt. Viele kennen sie gar nicht so richtig. Ihr findet es wie immer in meinem Blog: bit.ly/1RlVWHt
  2. I have prepared a small doc image how to use the powerful 3D Grid functions in 3D-Coat. A lot of people don't know about it. You will find it on my blog, as always: bit.ly/1RlVWHt
  3. About realtime render crash reproduce this mantis issue please. It should be the same problem: http://3d-coat.com/mantis/view.php?id=1945
  4. Haste das alles in der 4.5.04 gemacht? Nur so aus Neugier. EDIT: Ah ich sehe oben. 4.5.03. Hm...
  5. Are you able to share the object with me? I would like to test it here. Thank you.
  6. Density: After reading your post I started a new test. 1st without setting a density value and later with a value of 2. Later then a density value of 6. The first changed value seems to stay permanently. Yes, this seems to be a bug. So I can confirm this. Changing density is not possible after you have set it once. Symmetry: Can't reproduce this. I've changed the symmetry posiiton twice and had no problems here. The Autopo routine always worked like expected and used the new symmetry position for the retopo. Are you shure your model is really symmetrical? Is the virtual mirror mode off?
  7. You are welcome. Of course you can still tweak my values, but overall you should get good results.
  8. If Andrew realise my ideas, then it should work much easier and with more control than you think... My ideas are not all the same like yours, but leads into the very same direction. I am very hopeful too. Autopo is not all.
  9. Your ideas are like a deja vu for me. Andrew got a concept I worked out that fulfills your needs. I can't say when or if it will be implemented but Andrew and Raul liked my ideas. So let us be surprised...
  10. Test the 5 star settings in my recent test I've published on my blog. The result should actually be much better
  11. Interesting. I've never had this problems. Density works fine with my settings. Are you able to show the model?
  12. Thank you. Below the result images you will find my ratings for the results. 5 stars are the best settings.
  13. Here we are. My first big Autopo test... It was really hard to wait for all the calculations. But the results are really good. http://3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17997
  14. Hi friends. I have prepared a big Autopo test with over 20 tests to find the right settings for the most situations. Check the final results and read the basic rules how to use the Autopo routine on my blog: http://bit.ly/1ghKaNO Best wishes Chris Attached you see the template. I 've tested the best settings with my first autopo test model and it worked fine.
  15. No there is no way to analyse it before for the artist. You can set density and guides but zBrush decide itself where more or less polys are generated. But it does it good. 3D Coat does a bit better job sometimes in this field. But as I said: The flow in 3D Coat is not always good for animation. Especially in low poly models. In my eyes both tools are good for secondary models like furniture and or staues. Everything you don't need to animate. We haven't made hardcore tests in zBrush because you don't need them in zRemesher in my opinion. I can ask my friend who is doing the tests for me for making some more. But the zRemesher models were always good. I am preparing a big 3D Coat only autopo test. My new results are very good and I don't need zRemesher anymore... Its in progress and I will publish it in my blog soon. There are some few rules in 3D Coat. If you know them, you will get very nice and satisfactory results in a good time.
  16. I guess it is depending on the high poly template. We have not found any tris in our zR meshes until now. What I observe is a better overall polyflow. There are some situations, especially in hands where 3D Coat does a much better job. But in faces or elements like ears zRemesher is really good from scratch. I mean without any helper guides.
  17. Thank you for the feedback. Now I know what you mean. I had the same experience with the calculation times. I thought 3Dcoat crashed and never waited all the time. Instead I searched for a better/faster setting. You seem to have more patience. I agree with you. The Auropo routine is currently nice for all static objects or secondary assets that are not in focus. My experience is that zRemesher is still a bit better when remeshing characters. The polyflow is better there but not perfect too. Serious artists still retopo their models by hand too. But we are at a very good point in 3dcoat. Let us wait. Maybe Andrew has some ideas to improve it more.
  18. Looks really nice. We have compared the routines with zRemesher and it seems to be normal today to wait for good results. I am not waiting longer than 2 minutes with my settings and am pleased with the results for now. Even if it would need 10 minutes, it's faster than retopo a complex model by hand. What are your times Don? Can you post your settings please?
  19. Looks good but try it with more complex models Carlos or less polys.
  20. In the meantime I've made more tests and I think I have very good settings for the current version. Try this, it works well for low poly models too: Capture details: 50% (The higher your Poly count, the higher details can be. But try it careful and start always at 50%) Auto density influence modifier: 1 Voxelize Before Quadrangulation: on Voxelized object poly count: Start at 50% of your high resolution model in rounded thousands. My max value was 3.000 when the mesh began to get worse. My mesh has 5.8 million polys and a value of 2.000 was the best one. Decimate if above: on Decimate model value: 100 Smooth resulting mesh: off No density set needed. No guides needed. I got really impressive results with this settings.
  21. For your tests: To be really shure about good settings use always low poly resolutions. The better the results there, the better they are for other high res models.
  22. Andrew I would like to save settings for different situations. This would be great.
  23. My observation is that surface mode has big potential with the new autopo routine. Look at the ears in my example. The bottom model has a better polyflow and distribution than the top one. The top model is based on voxels, the bottom one on surface mode.
  24. Her are my results. Seems that using Autopo with surface layers is buggy at the moment.
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