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Found 5 results

  1. Hi! Hey everyone... Could someone please confirm a possible error? My version of 3D-Coat is 4.8.18 and I tested it with the GL and DX. I'm trying to use the Curve Stroke in the Sculpt Room in conjunction with any brush (freeze, Clay or others brushes) and it's not working. The percentage of the calculation appears when the tool is applied and as a result nothing happens. Now, when I went to the Paint Room, I chose the Stroke Curve and it worked correctly. I did the same test on the previous version of 3D-Coat 4.7 and the Stroke Curve worked perfectly on the Sculpt Room and Paint Room. Does Curve Stroke in the latest version of 3D-Coat not working in Sculpt Room? Thank you for your attention.
  2. Hello! I am on the last 3 days of my 3dcoat trial (which unfortunately I only just started using a few days ago) and was really liking it, but ran into some trouble. First of all I can not figure out how to apply the Spline Images. I am following the official 3dcoat youtube tutorial on painting. In the video he says to press "enter" to apply the image, yet for me nothing happens. The other issue I have is the horribly ugly paint strokes. With pen pressure activated it creates horrible shoe lace ends (a problem often seen on photoshop) Also the strokes themselves are just bumpy and not smooth. Here is an example Thanks!
  3. Hello. I've been having a major issue with 3D Coat. Up until recently the program worked fine, but now whenever I try to start up the program, it won't start. Every time I start it up, I can only make it to the splash screen before I get a message telling me the program stopped working. I've tried nearly everything I could think of that might help. I've tried installing the latest version, updating my drivers, installing the 32 bit version, deleting the options.xml files (I've read in other forums that doing this may help sometimes). Deleting old 3D Coat folders and re-installing, restarting my computer, trying to run both the DX and the OpenGL versions, and running the program as an administrator. Nothing seems to work.The only thing I haven't tried is resetting the PC in an attempt to fix any corrupted registry files. I'd rather not have to do that if I can (I even tried using CCleaner's registry cleaner to see if that would help with any corrupted registry files) Does anyone know how I could solve this? Thank you in advance for any help. My PC Specs (in case anyone is interested) OS: Windows 10 64 bit Processor: Intel Core i7 6700 @ 3.4 GHZ 16 GB of RAM Display Adapter: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1060 6GB
  4. Hi there, I'm about as beginner as it gets when it comes to 3D Coat and I'm currently exploring the AUTOPO tool. I've watched a few tutorials and read a few guides but I'm still getting some sloppy results and was wondering if anyone would be able to offer some advice on where I'm going wrong. Here is an album including pics of my original model with the strokes I used, the best AUTOPO results I could get, the settings I am using aswell as the original mesh within 3ds Max. As you can see the topology I am getting is quite messy and one of the feet is basically missing. I also tried to use a symmetry plane but whenever I click the button nothing happens. Any sort of help would be much appreciated, thanks. Also in case anyone was wondering I am aware the model is lacking a neck, eyes and mouth because on the final model they will be obscured by a large beard and eyebrows so I never bothered modelling them .
  5. Hello, I downloaded the demo earlier to see how good it is at fixing seams on a 3d model, i'm having a problem straight away though, the textures just don't seem to load at all. I import the model for per pixel import the diffuse then just nothing changes, the texture doesn't show up on the model Can anyone help me out please? Thanks
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