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  1. heyas guys; i didn't like the results i was getting from AUTOPO, so i started retpologizing by hand. a good learning experience. :X i have a model that is made up of repeating elements (holes through a bar). so i thought i would build one segment, and then copy that segment where the other holes are. even smarter, i thought i would build 1/4 of the segment, then mirror the top to bottom, the front to back, and then the side to side, to get the whole piece. i have discovered clone. and i scaled the clone of the first 1/4 to -100% to get a vertically mirrored copy. the edges aren't perfectly straight, and the bottom edge of the top piece is overlapping the top edge of the bottom piece. even if i merge the two retopo groups together. so: how do i weld vertices? or how do i weld chunks of retopo to each other... without drawing more polygons between them? i got the vertices all into alignment with the transform tool. but the two pieces still think they are separate. they're all one retopo group, just... two different colours. :/
  2. Happy New Year Everyone!! We are are having a $7 Video Madness Sale at Learn3dSoftware.com All 3D Coat Video Titles are only $7 Each along with our other 3D software packages. So that's approximately 63% OFF our regular prices!! Or $12.00 in savings for each video title!! Visit Us At: http://www.learn3dsoftware.com/7_dollar_madness_New_Years_2014.htm Sale ends soon!!
  3. I am very new to 3D-Coat and Zbrush. I started sculpting early this year in 3D-Coat and later added a Zbrush License. I was on the verge of getting Topogun but I have found that the 3D-Coat tools are great and easy to use. For months I had been shy of them. I watched a few tutorials. I am amazed at how easy the quads fall on the High Polly Mesh that I shaped/designed in Poser. These tools are easy to use. I have no idea how I will get the UV's onto the retopo mesh when I am done but I look forward to learning. I really didn't expect to get this small result in just 10 or 15 minutes. It seems I don;t have to know how to use all the tools and can just relpy on a few favorites in the 3D-Coat retopo menu's I plan to upgrade my license from educational to to full in the next few months. Thanks 3D-Coat!!!! I attached a a small humble picture. I am new to modeling and Unity all this fun stuff, For a newbie I am having a great experiencing This retopo will be the version 2.0 of the Unity Game Char for my game that I made, with pain, earlier this year. Robert
  4. This is a fairly detailed tutorial that follows step by step the retopology techniques I use to produce a baked low poly garment. The garment was created using 3D Coat's cloth tool so if you would like to see a tutorial that covers how to make similar items of clothing, just let me know and I'll set one up. I use blender for it's powerful modifier to achieve a task that would normally take a VERY long time without it. The results could have been cleaned up a lot more and several extra extrusion steps / subdivides put in place to ensure that it was a more usable finished result, however I believe that the finished product would work well for most games. Well, I hope you all enjoy this tutorial, I wasn't able to locate any other tutorials that cover this workflow I demonstrate and thought it's something the community could really benefit from. Thanks, Jax n.b. The video will be live in 6 Hours Time as it runs for 50 Minutes and covers all the steps from start of retopology right through to a finished baked version of the pants.
  5. I have been playing around with the retopo and autopo tools with some success on organic shapes but seem to be having problems with hardbody shapes. Could anyone help me with in particular maintaining good edges (sharp edges, 90degree beveled etc.) Thanks
  6. heyas guys! i'm so happy, i've just completed my first model in 3d coat! now i need to retopologize it. and, of course, i have a problem. first, i tried autopo. and it made ugly, clunky retopo mesh. didn't like that. so then i'm following the spider (legs) tutorial ( ).%C2'> when i hit enter... i don't get a nice retopo mesh, i get some chunks hanging out in space. see attached illustration. i do not understand why i am getting this result. notes: for the detail bit on the side... the main voxel layer has the indent subtracted from it. the convex capsules in the indent are on a different voxel layer. i don't know if the retopo is looking at those, or ignoring those, or becoming completely confused by those. i tried raising the number of segments from 12 to 32, and the spline points density from 100 to 295. that did not alter the results at all. i tried drawing only one vertical line (as in the video), but that didn't have the desired effect. instead, there were fewer chunks and more empty space. any guidance as to what i am doing wrong would be appreciated! and... how to do it right, even more so! thanks
  7. Hey Guys, Just letting everyone know we are having a $9 Dollar Video Sale all our Video Tutorials at: http://www.learn3dsoftware.com We have dozens and dozens of tutorials for Lightwave, 3D Coat, ZBrush and Modo. The Sale ends when we have sold over 500 videos. Have a Great Weekend!!
  8. I started a thread looking at a possible bug where the object was not allowing me to close up gaps left from Autopo. http://3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=14954 At the end, I was left with 1 Triangle on it's own and am now trying to find a way to get rid of it. The only way I can think to achieve this goal would be to painfully shift the triangle's position from where it is up to the groin area on my model so it' meets with the Triangle from the other side... at which point.. I can merge them together though this will destroy my symmetrical seam that I have right now and isn't ideal. What other way is there to fix such an issue? I am going to try some things and if I get a solution I will upload a video showing how I did it for others. Hopefully someone has already faced this problem before and knows the way to fix it.
  9. Hey Guys, With 3D Coat Version 4 being released I've a created a super discounted 3D Coat Version 3 video training bundle. http://www.learn3dsoftware.com/3dc_version_3_complete_collection.htm It come with all 15 titles created in 3D Coat 3.5 to 3.7. Hours and hours of detailed training covering: Voxel Sculpting, Retopology, Autoretopology, Normal Maps, Displacement Maps, Color Maps, Painting with Photos, Paint Tools, Brushes, Alpha Brushes and full Project Based Tutorials. The Project Based Tutorials include: Dinosaur Detailing, Voxel Sculpting a Dragon, Elephant Detailing, Female Character Texturing and Sci-Fi Detailing a Space Fighter. The ultimate collection to get you started using this powerful piece of software.
  10. Привет. У меня вопрос на который я не могу самостоятельно найти ответ. Я закинул референс меш для ретопа и в процессе построения новой топологии понял что мне нужно вернуться в ZBrush и кое что подправить, как мне теперь обновить референс меш не теряя при этом уже созданную топологию?
  11. Hello, I am trying to make 3D models for a game, but I am having problems with autoretopo. This is how it looks like. When I try to retopo with 2000 polycount, at lower polycount it looks even worse. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? - Pascal
  12. Hey Guys, I'm having a MOVING SALE!! All our 3D Coat and other Software Video Tutorials are on sale for $10 Each (Almost 50% Off) -Over 65 Titles!! http://www.learn3dsoftware.com/quick_pick_list_10_dollar_moving_sale.htm All our videos will be on sale for only $10 Each until we have reached our goal of 500 videos sold. Don't forget to check out our Free Model Packs (Windows Collection Vol.#1 and #2) and our Youtube Channel with hours and hours of free video beginner 3D training. Have a Great Weekend:) Learn3DSoftware.com
  13. New Retopology training available from my webstore HERE We look at all the basic tools including Autopo tool and then work through 3 project based workshops covering a wide variety of topics. Teaser from the 'Wrench' project Teaser from the 'Game Face' project You can use the Coupon code of 3DCOATFORUM to qualify for a £6.99 discount from the store price. Hope you like
  14. Hello all Im new to 3D Coat but have been using 3DS Max for several years, so i have a good understanding of 3D. I can not see the edges faces in retopology on any model i have made so far, "see attached image" Im thinking it something as simple as a setting i have missed or pressed/clicked by mistake, Can anyone help me fix this problem so i can get back to studying the program. Thank you for your time
  15. Hello, I've quite a few meshes that I need to reduce polygons to. Most of them are furniture. I couldn't really manage to get any good results from Auto-Retopology and I was wondering if you folks have any tips? My guess is that Auto-Retopology is more useful for organic stuff than hard surface.
  16. Hi! I wanted to share two ideas that may be is to implement (i hope) and that are very very useful. 1. Move tool that does a surface falloff instead of an area falloff. Basically, like a soft selection in modeling packages that go from the picked vertex (center of the brush radius in this case) gradually to the rest of the connected geometry and not to any vertex in its world radius. This is veeeeeeeeeeery useful in situations that, for example, you have to move the lower lip without touching the upper lip that is very close, but not connected. This can be done, of course, with freezing, but the "move connected" aproach would be much faster and direct. Besides, some angles and surfaces can be challenging to freeze without touching the part you want to move, and without leaving a rough difference between the moved part and the frozen one. (I'm sorry if there is this option somewhere, at least I haven't found it). 2. Freeze by ambient occlusion. I was thinking that now that there is voxel painting it may be easy (MAY BE, i don't know) to transfer an ambient occlusion calculation to the voxels color and then transfer it values to what is frozen and what not. This is useful on rare scenarios, but it can speed up the process of freezing the mouth bag, eyes, or any small cavity that we don't want to affect. It is also useful to retain small details and holes while extruding the rest of the surface.
  17. Hey Guys, Just wanted to announce that Learn3DSoftware.com is having a $7 sale on all older 3D Coat 3.5 video tutorials until April 7th. http://www.learn3dsoftware.com/quick_pick_list_Apr_1_2012.htm 3D Coat Titles 1) 3D Coat 3.5 for Lightwave Users-Photo Painting I- $7.00 2) 3D Coat 3.5 for Lightwave Users-Photo Painting II- $7.00 3) 3D Coat 3.5 for Lightwave Users-Painting Color- $7.00 4) 3D Coat 3.5 for Lightwave Users-Normal and Displacement Maps- $7.00 5) 3D Coat 3.5 for Lightwave Users-Voxel Sculpting:Project Dragon- $7.00 6) 3D Coat 3.5 for Lightwave Users-UV Mapping- $7.00 7) 3D Coat 3.5 for Lightwave Users-Retopology I- $7.00 3D Coat 3.5 for Lightwave Users-Retopology II-Project Suchomimus- $7.00 9) 3D Coat 3.5 for Lightwave Users-Auto-Retopology- $7.00 Lightwave Titles 1) Dinosaur Sub-D Modeling- $7.00 2) Dinosaur UV Mapping- $7.00 3) Spacecraft Modeling- $7.00 4) Surfacing for Beginners Volume #1- $7.00 5) Surfacing for Beginners Volume #2- $7.00 6) Surfacing for Beginners Volume #3- $7.00 7) Advanced UV Mapping Volume #1- $7.00 Advanced UV Mapping Volume #2- $7.00 9) Modeler Volume #1- $7.00 10) Modeler Volume #2- $7.00 11) Modeler Volume #3- $7.00 12) Modeler Volume #4- $7.00 13) Modeler Volume #5- $7.00 14) Modeler Volume #6- $7.00 15) Rigging a T-Rex with Skelegons- $7.00 16) Rigging a T-Rex with Bones- $7.00 17) Animating a Tyrannosaurus- $7.00 18) Sci-Fi Modeling-Interiors Hallways and Corridors- $7.00 19) LW CAD 3.6 Modeling Tools Volume #1- $7.00 20) LW CAD 3.6 Modeling Tools Volume #2- $7.00 21) LW CAD 3.6 Modeling Tools Volume #3- $7.00 22) LW CAD 3.6 Modeling Tools Volume #4- $7.00 23) LW CAD 3.6 Modeling Tools Volume #5- $7.00 24) LW CAD 3.6 Modeling Tools Volume #6- $7.00 25) ZBrush 3.1 for Lightwave Users-Volume #1-How to Paint Color- $7.00 26) ZBrush 3.1 for Lightwave Users-Volume #2-Normal Maps- $7.00 27) ZBrush 3.1 for Lightwave Users-Volume #3-Displacement Maps- $7.00 ZBrush Titles 1) ZBrush 4 for Lightwave Users-Painting Color- $7.00 2) ZBrush 4 for Lightwave Users-Normal Maps- $7.00 3) ZBrush 4 for Lightwave Users-Displacement Maps- $7.00 4) ZBrush 4- ZApp Link Plugin- $7.00 5) ZBrush 3.1 Creature Sculpting- $7.00 6) ZBrush 3.1 Creature Head Detailing- $7.00 7) ZBRUSH 3.5 -UV Unwrapping-"Mastering UV Master"- $7.00 Modo Titles 1) Modo 501 Painting Color-The Essentials- $7.00 2) Modo 501 Modeling Tools(Volume #1)- $7.00 3) MODO 501-Retopology- $7.00 4) MODO 501-Dinosaur UV Mapping- $7.00 Photoshop Titles 1) Photoshop CS4-Basic Training- $7.00 2) Photoshop CS4-Seamless Textures- $7.00 Model Pack 1) Dinosaur Mega-Pack (Over 40 Dinosaurs)- 49.00 http://www.learn3dsoftware.com/quick_pick_list_Apr_1_2012.htm Thanks Again for all the Great Support from the 3D Coat Community!! Adam Gibson:)
  18. Hi, I'm very new to 3D Coat and beginning to work through some tutorials. One of the features which attracted me to 3DC was the retopologizing. However, I was wondering how or if it can handle open meshes like pieces of clothing? Also, is it possible to sculpt open meshes - for example, put some wrinkles in a piece of cloth? Thanks.
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