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Found 4 results

  1. Hello, I have been playing with the cut off tool, which is super quick and efficient if you use custom shapes. I find that using custom shapes (via the "load shape" button in stroke mode) gives far better results that cutting of with a stencil of the same shap, the cut is sharper, less "aliased" and it's fun and quick to place it, rotate it etc.. But reloading the shape each time is not a great workflow. Maybe Instead of having to open the stroke mode, click on load shape, select the shape or spline in a folder and then resizing, and then finally cutting through the volume with our custom shape, it would be great to add the custom shape once and for all maybe via a thumbnail in the stroke mode window, or in a library on the side (like the one with stencils) ?
  2. Hi everyone, I am having the biggest problem trying to figure out how to cut a curve along the shape of sphere. I am trying to mimic the curve on the Rinzler helmet from Tron (see attachments). I feel like I've tried everything and pulling my hair out. I just need to cut along a curved form, like cut a shape along a sphere, but whenever you do that, it just cuts a small chunk out. I the only thing I can do it keep cutting multiple parts out of the sphere but it isn't fluid. This is where Maya and other 3D programs seem so much easier because you can just select polygons and bend them to a certain form. Sculpting in 3D coat seems so difficult to do this. I have attached the base model I am starting with, another shot of a curve im trying to cut out, and the tron helmet. The curves on the helmet seem so complex even though it looks simple. Any help is VERY appreciated. I'm actually getting this manufactured so I would love any feedback. Thank you everyone!
  3. Is there a way while in Retopo Mode to draw a NGon shape on the surface of a mesh? Both sides of my hipoly mesh has a circle cut and extruded into the mesh. Of course you can freehand redraw your topology. But the edges are not equilateral or equal in length. The freehand method works but is not accurate enough for me and what I am doing. It would be nice to have the ability to draw a NGon shape onto your surface with a defined value for the number of points or edges.(Exactly like you can do in 3DSMax). This would make the task of doing circles a breeze in the retopo process. This ability might exist in 3D Coat but I am still a noob with this application. max3d2
  4. Hey guys, Just wondering... After doing a retopo of my model in 3DC and bringing it into C4d, placing it under a HyperNurbs,.... ooops SubdivisionSurface, I loose part of my Volume of course. Simplest thing to do, is to use the brush and go over the shrinked parts, I normaly use a high density exported version from the voxel room and place it at the same place as my retopo-ed version but with a different color. That way I can check which parts needs to be corrected in order to have the same shape/volume as my voxel version. I'm curious to know how other people deal with this, maybe there is a more clever way of doing this. Thanks, Robert
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