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Found 4 results

  1. Hello all. I am using the Brush labeled Brush in the Modeling Room under Tweak as illustrated in the attached image. It appears that this brush only selects polygons. Is there a way to make it select vertices. I am unable to place the brush at the center of an object in symmetry and select those vertices . Or is there another brush that will accomplish this?
  2. I would like to know if 3D Coat has sculpt layers that allow you to perform tweaks/moves on a layer and then control the layer strength with a slider. I want to work on a head object with final topology / UVs and create a number of facial expressions. I want to make them on separate layers and control the strengths to preview the animation (similar to sculpt layers in ZBrush or blendshape envelope in Maya). This will also be useful when painting hard-to-reach areas when doing texture painting. For example, painting inside the mouth cavity or inside deep facial folds and creases. Thanks!
  3. Remove this room at all. Use surface tools to tweak the paint model. Topic added to share opinions Ty !
  4. If we could add tweak room capabilities to the retopo room, we could adjust the retopo mesh with the sculpt at the same time. This would allow us to "tweak" our sculpt before baking and also have the ability to use post-bake tweaking in the Tweak room for further adjustments. Right now, if I change a sculpt, I have to change it in the Voxel room and then do the same to the mesh in the Retopo room separately.
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