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Weird export bug in Textura

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Using 3DCoat Textura 2024.25 (trial license)

When exporting a gloss map and or a specular color map using PNG as the file format the spec/gloss result is 0/black
Changing the format to i.e JPG and export again will create the expected result.
Changing back to from JPG to PNG again creates expected result again.

  1. Select "Export object & texture" from the file menu. Uncheck "export geometry"
  2. Create a new preset using diffuse, normal, spec, gloss maps.
  3. Set the file format to PNG for all maps
  4. Export
  5. The spec and gloss maps are now 0/black
  6. Repeat step 1-4, (use the same preset) but change PNG to JPG
  7. Export
  8. The JPG spec and gloss maps now looks more like expected
  9. Repat step 1-4 again (using the same preset), but change file format from JPG back to PNG again
  10. Export
  11. The new PNG spec and gloss maps now looks more like expected

As you hopefully can see, the PNG format works the second time. Also when using channel packing (R: glossiness, G: specular, B: 0)

Expected result:
Proper spec / gloss values in PNG on first export.

Switch to JPG then back to PNG again and export

Best regards







Edited by tanda
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