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Everything posted by ifxs

  1. WOW, very impressive Andrew, IMO for animated/rigged meshes, this is BEYOND USEFUL!!! Reason alone to buy 3D Coat for retopo work. This puts auto-quadrangulation to SHAME for nearly all cases(for me anyway). I would do a few manual changes to such an auto-retopo, but wow, it reminds me of the feeling i got when seeing the UV Master release by Pixologic(with regard to UV's). This a build I REALLY cant wait to test.
  2. niceeeeeeee! hopefully an OSX & windows release some day soon too
  3. hmm, I've not run into this issue, has anyone other than Amber run into this? Seems pretty serious to me
  4. yup, just saw the tweet. Lookin VERY good so far! Psyched to see what you arrive at with this hard work Andrew, thank you! P.S. this'll likely look nice for Siggraph too ;-)
  5. Have a nice time away from things Andrew :-), thanks for your hard work
  6. I am indeed very fastidious, however, for actors that dont need closeups, I would REALLY enjoy an auto-retopo that played well with a simple biped rig and some basic auto-weights. We'll see, Andrew has worked his magic before. Thanks Andrew :-)
  7. +1 for me too Phil. @Taros, I too agree quadrangulation is important for NON-RIGGED/NON-ANIMATABLE(deforming) OBJECTS. I've used it on a number of occasions for quickly generating a poly mesh for stationary objects, or even STL objects on rare occasion. Thats is Why I'm looking forward to the new implementation detailed in the PDF Andrew just linked to. It looks like I might be able to use SOME of the auto-retopo for an animatable actor mesh, possibly, then delete the parts with non-usable edge-loops(for rigging), then at least save myself part of the time.
  8. +1 on that too. I personally dont mind, and sometimes enjoy retopo work, so for me, I might not even use the auto-retopo. But I might use parts of it, then retopo by hand the other areas I would need specific loops @ for animation, etc.
  9. IMO, it could be interesting to see what a little feature like a "random initial seed" value would do, if applicable, to such an auto-retopo/quadrangulation process. And better yet, if the user could see simultaneously 3 examples of the auto-retopo/quadrangulation side-by-side, again using a random seed to generate 3 quick options to choose from. If, of course, the process allow for such a thing... better yet, if anyone remembers the old days of "kai's power tools", after you select one of the 3 initial seed auto-retopo's that you favor, you could then be presented with 3 more (auto-generated retopo)choices based on the initial seed the user chose. I could go on, but just and idea.
  10. for me, its not the pose tool that is slow any longer, its the actual initial selection process with the pose tool. ie, clicking and dragging the influence gradient to then use the pose tool, that initial selection process doesn't appear to be multithreaded yet, I dont mean to be picky, but mentioning it. all merging is VERY fast for me now on 8cores.
  11. niceeeeeeee!!!!!!!! Thanks taros for the pointer well, I guess heres to 3.3.08 soon, with new and improved bad-@$$ auto-retopo(of sorts)!!!!
  12. good point! Thanks for the link too. That is a far more intelligent approach to auto-retopo/quadrangulation. I hope that eventually makes it into 3D Coat. Now if only the actual selecting (line/sphere/brush) of the pose tool in vox mode was multithreaded, I'm getting too spoiled with the MASSIVE speed increase I've received from the new beta, I'm now noticing a small number of things, like the pose select mode I mentioned, that are slowing things down a bit. none-the-less, the new multithreading performance increase has taken an average merge time of about 4 hours down to about 2 minutes, amazing, stunning even IMO.
  13. +1 for the christmas in july. Things are looking up for 3D Coat. I hope Andrew continues along the very recent path he's chosen for 3D Coat development, at leas for a while. Thank you Andrew! does anyone have a link to the url Andrew referenced in the new auto-retopo. The compressed URL isnt loading for me, thanks in advance
  14. +1, I too have tried to solve this issue with pens too. Its ALMOST as annoying as the fact that I cant simply TAB through numeric fields when using the various tools in the vox room(like merge, transform, etc).
  15. oh man, a GTX 480 ALSO working on the merging(in additional to the multithreading) would likely be ultra ultra fast... I would hope that andrew at some point also includes OpenCL support AFTER he's multithreaded the heck out of 3D Coat. Oh, and to sound like a broken record... I would really enjoy the ability to open the same files on Mac 3D Coat, as I can in Windows 3D Coat... 64bit support please... proxies are not the answer to a lack of 64bit support in OSX 3D Coat. Back on topic though, the commits Andrew has been making to 3D Coat as of late are awesome IMO, thanks Andrew. EDIT: AbnRanger, your youtube 3D Coat vids are great, thanks for taking the time to record and upload them.
  16. VERY GOOD NEWS, I'm looking forward to testing the new beta, 3.3.07 i would guess. THANKS ANDREW! hellooooo multithreaded merge/pose!!
  17. Yup, in Sculptris 1.0 it has a quick and powerful painting toolset. One of my favorites for quick painting mockups now because of its speed.
  18. Now that is a Tweet from Andrew that REALLY has me looking forward to the next builds :-) Multithreading of merging-based tools is my most desired feature upgrade for 3D Coat, and now you've gone and begun the process Andrew. THANK YOU!!! I'll be very much looking forward to the developments in this area! :-) Oh yeah, of course its cool that there is faster CUDA too, hopefully OpenCL someday. But IMO far-more-importantly is the work on the multithreading of 3D Coat.
  19. thanks Andrew for all the new fixes & the OSX build of 3.3.05! :-) looking forward to 3.3.06 to test out the pose-tool smoothing fix, and of couse the array of retopo room fixes. You're cranking out tons of great updates as of late. Thank you for your hard work!
  20. +1, echo, echo, echo.... I run into Out Of MEMORY issues constantly on OSX 3D Coat, with 16+ gigs and not much of it being addressed by 3D Coat
  21. +1 for localized voxel res. Anything to make the voxel workflow smoother for higher-detail sculpting in 3D Coat is useful IMO
  22. Thanks for the OSX multires build Andrew! I see it as very clear which builds are and aren't beta builds. cant wait for 64bit OSX builds!!!! and a "shift key view lock/constrain" for 3D coat, thus allowing for locked rotation of the viewport in 45 degree increments(or 15degree, or whatever, (like Zbrush & blender & other sculpting apps.)). EDIT: I just did my first multi-res tests, and WOW, very impressive thus far. Thank you again Andrew for all your hard work!
  23. I very eager to test the multires on OSX. Looking forward to 3.3.04x for OSX. looks like some of the bugs pointed out have already been worked on. and as I side note, I'm getting MUCH better symmetrical quadrangulating in 3.3, thanks Andrew!
  24. cool the vids up, thanks again Phil! this feature looks awesome, cant wait till the banding issue is fixed. This is a feature I have wanted for some time, and was glad to see it in action in your video.
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