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Found 22 results

  1. https://hum3d.com/3d-guns-challenge/ Nowadays no game goes without guns or machine-guns. Furthermore, the field for inventing new concepts is so wide that there is no need even to talk about it. Just remember all these fantasy books and Sci-fi movies where the characters have very interesting weaponry, which is the part of their image. Therefore, we are sure that this competition will be of much interest first of all for game artists, character designers, and weapon fans. Everything is as usual: you have to create a weapon 3d model, put it into a 3D environment and make a beautiful render. We don't limit your creative ideas. Participation in the contest is open to all 3D artists, whose works comply with the rules. The contest is supported by the best companies of the 3D world, and so the prizes for the first places look amazing. Also, everyone has an opportunity to receive additional prizes. We’re waiting for your works from March 13 to May 29. Good luck and happy rendering!
  2. Hi there! My journey began with an idea to create some steam bike, but after some thought process, I realiize, that this is to common, and steampunk-guys should dream about automated vehicles, even in old times! First thought was about some kind of rickshaw, in which instead of real driver will be mechanical guy. In first iteration just him was steam-powered, and just pushing the pedals like a normal human. At this point name of the project was born - it's Stesla. That's funny, cuz Elon Musk's Tesla now seems like are most popular and innovative car with AI driving, and adding S to this brand name creating little pun with 'steam-powered-tesla". So, I did few more itetaions, in which driver began to be part of machine more and more. And at some point I tried to think like a victorian guy and just realized, that there is actually vehicles in Victorian period, and this is horse-powered broughams! You can see mash up of bikes and brougham at this image: I actually love that concept and did more work on it. So there also was few iterations, but on the same base: Glancing to the references helped me with brougham shape, so, now it looks more dynamic plausible. Also, quick tip: adding curtains really helping with made vehicle look more being in use and, actually, livable. When I realize, more or less, what do you want, it was time to fugure it out, where and how I wanne see that vehicle. As this is victorian epoch, that seems logic to place such vehicle to old streets. And then I started to work on the composition. After few more adjustments, I added light to set some tone to whole work. Obviously, after that I grabbed all the passes and composed picture. After playing some time with that, I was satisfied with result: So now, when pre-production stage is almost complete, I decided to share everything with you, my young forum topic reader. :-) There will be more work with the concept of driver and interior, and then - final modeling, texturing and all that stuff, which you perfectly know, if you know what for 3D Coat is. :-) C&C are VERY welcomed!
  3. With the growing number of 3D applications like VR and AR, we are seeing an increased demand for female-friendly models of women. Nevertheless, many female character models are still oversexualized (come on, female armor does not improve by becoming skimpier!). This makes finding a suitable model for realistic and female-friendly representation needlessly difficult, and is one of the many reasons why women are discouraged from entering game development, VR, and 3D modeling. 3DCoat is sponsoring the Female Characters Challenge initiative run by CGTrader as it is fully in line with our social position.
  4. A new challenge on CGTrader has arrived! Now, we're looking for 3d modelers who would like to participate in an interior design contest and have a handful of a chance to win a prize pool of $6000 in cash and $1500 in licenses. -> Requirements for the application: realistic SINGLE object items that contain anything from a chair, vase, dining table to a sofa, chair, wardrobe or lamp. Avoid multiple objects and full interior compositions. -> .OBJ format is required. -> This is PBR challenge so take technical requirements seriously. If you want to know more information about this challenge check our webpage: https://www.cgtrader.com/challenges...interior-design
  5. https://www.cgtrader.com/challenges/3d-challenge-abstract-elements 3D Challenge: Abstract Elements For some 3D artists, visualizing sci-fi or mythical creatures is a more difficult task than building a 3D model of a photorealistic, real-world object. For others the opposite is true. With the new 3D Challenge: Abstract Elements CGTrader is bringing everyone a task that is both complex and easy at the same time. In this challenge we are looking for high quality, realistic models of various shapes and forms found in nature, graphic design or thought-of by people. Not sure where to start? Create a flame, cloud or smoke. Design a top-facing 3D flower, an ornate leave or create an ornamental work like filigree. How about making a decorative frame for use in a surrealistically designed composition. Make a water splash or a crystal. Turn a plain geometric shape into a decorative piece of art or shatter glass, creating a pattern of fractured shards. Put your imagination to work and show us how stunning and interesting 3D can be even when working on simpler objects!
  6. https://www.cgtrader.com/challenges/real-life-objects-pbr-challenge Real-life objects PBR challenge End of February marked the end of the first PBR Challenge organized by CGTrader, and we must say that some really amazing artwork was brought to the competition by our community. You can check the winning entries here. We had over 660 entries, so it seems that you indeed are interested in the trend of PBR! If you still haven't experimented with Physically Based Rendering (PBR), this new challenge is just right impulse to start doing that. PBR is becoming a real standard in the gaming industry, so to meet the needs of game developers, those interested in that market will likely have to adjust at some point. This PBR challenge does not have very specific category restrictions, just this time we want to focus on real-life objects objects - furniture, plants, architecture, tools, electronics - just look around your physical environment and get to work. We love the creative 3D artwork you publish on CGTrader, but this time no sci-fi content is allowed. And yes, PBR textures is a must! Our friends at Quixel, Marmoset, 3D-Coat and Dosch Design are joining in this competition, providing some great prizes, and CGTrader is throwing in a $500 in cash for the winners.
  7. Hum3D have started their new character fan-art challenge, Video Game Superstar. https://hum3d.com/game-superstar/ Fan-art contest for the best 3D character from a video game. You can choose any remarkable hero you consider the most impressive. Everything is as usual: you have to create a character, put him or her into an adventurous surrounding and make a beautiful render. There are no limits for your creative ideas and we invite all 3D artists to participate.
  8. PBR Challenge New year comes with a new challenge - and it's a big one. PBR keeps on getting bigger and setting trends in 3D world. If you still haven't caught up with Physically Based Rendering, 2017 is a very good time to do just that - and this competition should give a little nudge to start creating content that is fast-becoming a real standard in the gaming industry. In case you're interested in trying out PBR, getting better with it, or just have a competitive mindset, the challenge will be suitable for you. The PBR challenge is a competition for game-ready models, but there is no category restriction - if the model is below 50 000 polygons and is PBR textured - you're in! Our friends at Allegorithmic, 3D-Coat and Marmoset are joining in this competition, providing some great prizes for PBR rendering - and CGTrader is throwing in a $1000 in cash for the winners. Now, get the new-year hangover off your head, get back to modeling, and make something memorable to come out on top in this competition! In case you need an explanation on PBR, take a look at the comprehensive PBR Guide by Allegorithmic, great tutorial on PBR theory, posted by Marmoset's founder Jeff Rusell - and the basics on PBR standards by Joe Wilson.
  9. https://www.cgtrader.com/challenges/pbr-challenge PBR Challenge New year comes with a new challenge - and it's a big one. PBR keeps on getting bigger and setting trends in 3D world. If you still haven't caught up with Physically Based Rendering, 2017 is a very good time to do just that - and this competition should give a little nudge to start creating content that is fast-becoming a real standard in the gaming industry. In case you're interested in trying out PBR, getting better with it, or just have a competitive mindset, the challenge will be suitable for you. The PBR challenge is a competition for game-ready models, but there is no category restriction - if the model is below 50 000 polygons and is PBR textured - you're in!
  10. It's time for the third annual Humster3D competition for the best car render. It is the largest awards event for the car 3d modeling and visualization industry. The competition, held in partnership with leading companies and 3d software manufacturers. Participation in the contest is open to all comers, whose works comply with the rules. There are no limits for creativity: you can choose any automobile you like whether it is racing or imaginary vehicle. The winning entries will be published in magazines and get maximum attention from the community. Also, any participant can win additional prizes. We're waiting for your works from September 13 to November 29. Good luck and happy rendering! ------------------------------- The First place Annual V-Ray license for a platform of choice One year VRscans license + access to the gallery with hundreds of ready to use materials 3D-Coat Professional license ...more
  11. Hi all! I want to make turtle submarine. This is my original concept. Now it is time for block-in. Good luck for everyone
  12. Hello all, let's see if I can finish on time. My concept attempts to combine several different vehicles into one ultimate steampunk machine. I will try to show you how I created a lot of the parts in 3D_Coat.
  13. Hi This is a sketch I did a few years ago in Blender. I hope it turns into a powerful steampunk vehicle for this contest with the incredible help of 3D-Coat. If in this contest we can use vehicles of fantastic worlds and a little humour. I hope you all enjoy with this new experience and the best win. Good wind and good sea for all !!!
  14. Has anyone looked at the Art Station Challenges. They are currently holding one called The Journey. The goal is to make a scene, vehicle, or character who looks like they are going on a journey or returning from one. They are also holding this years THU challenge http://www.artstation.com/
  15. ajz3d


    From the album: Crite

    A Crite from the "Critters" movies (New Line Cinema, 1986/1988/1991/1992) Final contribution to 3D-Coat Challenge #11: Hairy Creature (with hair done without a fur system or instancing). Fur consists of 283 hand-painted poly sheets manually distributed over the creature's body.

    © ©2015 Artur Julian Żarek

  16. Hairy Creature. A common product output in the CG world with large investment in developer time and effort in the production of hair/fur systems. But does the algorithm control the art or can artists produce great "hairy" work without vast computational tools? Lets find out. Rules: 1. Model a hairy creature (any type and style: real or imagined) and paint (any method) in 3D Coat. Hair effect generated by real geometry or paint. Image texturing acceptable from other software (photoshop, etc.) as part of Paint Room processing but should not be used to post process a final render for more or less hair effect. 2. Render in outside renderer if desired but do not use outside particle system or instancing system to produce hair effect. 3. Post WIP early and often. Mark final render or final screen shot as "Final Version". 4. Challenge begins: 16.08.2015, deadline: 23:59, 26.09.2015 Enjoy. BK ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FINALIST ajz3d benk BringItBack carlosan Michaelgdrs
  17. ajz3d

    Crite Face Close-up

    From the album: Crite

    A Crite from the "Critters" movies (New Line Cinema, 1986/1988/1991/1992). Close-up shot of my final contribution to 3D-Coat Challenge #11: Hairy Creature (with hair done without a fur system or instancing).

    © ©2015 Artur Julian Żarek

  18. Challenge rules: 1. Model a flying boat and texture it up! 2. It can be realistic: sci-fi: steampunk: only one thing matters: it must be EPIC!!! 3. Sculpting: only 3D-COAT is allowed (without applink) 4. Texturing: also 3D-COAT allowed only, do NOT export the maps to paint them externally 5. Compositing/post processing: You can use compositing applications to compose your boat over the background, but if you do... please attach a clay render and/or screenshot from 3D-Coat 6. This is a complex challenge, so the deadline is september 8. Have fun! Competition up!
  19. Malo

    Alien Challenge Head

    From the album: Malo

    Head for the Alien Challange. Complede workflow timelapse. Sculpting, Retopo, UVs and Texturing. http://youtu.be/h_exNtRdW5M

    © Malo

  20. Hello everyone! This is the very first Community Challenge here on the 3D-Coat Forums! This challenge will be to sculpt a King's Throne! It has to be a chair (for a humanoid shaped King), but it should be decorated, big, and awe-inspiring. It should NOT look like an average chair that anybody would use. This is a special chair that only the King is allowed to sit in! Some ideas to inspire you: Think about who the King is. Is he an Elven King? Is his throne made of intricately carved wood, inlaid with magical glowing crystals? Maybe he is Poseidon, King of the Sea? Is his throne made of various seashells and coral, with electric eels living inside of it? Or perhaps he is King Louis XV of France? What would his throne look like then? In this Challenge you are required to sculpt the entire throne within 3D-Coat. Sculpting is the only requirement of this Challenge, but you are free to retopo, UV, and paint your model if you so desire. If you only want to vertex paint your sculpt (with no retopo or UVs) that will also be acceptable. The final version must be rendered either in the Render Room of 3D-Coat or you can also use any external render engine you desire. Please post the progress you are making by taking screen shots from within 3D-Coat. Also feel free to discuss any problems you run into while working, or ask any questions you might have, so that we can all help each other, and learn from one another (as this is the main purpose of these Challenges). You can refer to the Rules thread (first sticky thread in this forum) for any other questions you might have about how this Challenge will be run. The deadline is one month from today. Oh and by the way, I will also be taking part in this Challenge, but obviously I will NOT be allowed to win this one! Good luck! I am excited to see what we all create!
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