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Found 7 results

  1. Been trying to find an answer for hours but can't find anything, in Maya it's so easy to join 2 edges or vertex together, but in 3DCoat it isn't. How can I be able to achieve it in UV Mode? Here's an image explaining what I wanna do. https://imgtr.ee/image/hDqu7 Thanks.
  2. I just wanted to create a thread here dedicated to hard surface sculpting/modeling in 3D-Coat. Feel free to post any tips, tricks, tutorials, or whatever you know about it so as to help the community out. I'll start by adding a nice timelapse video I found on Youtube. I saw some useful techniques used here that I thought were worth sharing. Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AVERcG9Qy8
  3. Hello, I'm using 3D Coat for a couple of months and there is something I can't find on any topic or tutorials : keeping sharp edges on a complex mesh. My workflow is : - sculpting in voxel all the parts of my mesh (let's say several steps from the stairs of an old temple) - merging them in voxel - finishing details in surface mode The issue is : when I'm merging the parts, all the edges are smoothed and lose their sharpness I was thinking about merging the parts once in surface mode, but the merging process is extremely long. I also tried Angulator Tool and Pinch Tool. Pinch Tool is working quite well but it's very time consuming when you have to produce so many assets for a project. Most of tutorials just say "increase dramatically voxel density before merging". Might work for a human size project but not for a whole building. Any idea ? :) Thank you in advance.
  4. I think it would be great, if 3DC would have a creasing capability for its Catmark subdivision algorithm. For now you have to beveledges that are supposed to be creased. That workaround is hard to manage (doubles vertices narrow to each other). Such approach is also not really useful for inward edges, that are shown on the illustration: The "Sculpt -> Retopo -> Subdiv Sculpt" workflow is very useful for complex curvy (car-design-like) hard-surface modelling. No matter how much you smooth with your brushes, you won't get a subdiv-quality CAD-like surface flow. This is much like in raster graphics where you won't get ideal tweakable gradients in Gimp or Photoshop - when you need those, you use a vector editor like Illustrator with its gradient meshes. Take a look at this ZB video using the technique I described: Seems like ZB is also missing correct creased subdivs, but has a special tool that creates double edges with a help of lasso tool. You may also take a look at the OpenSubdiv tech by Pixar: http://graphics.pixar.com/opensubdiv/docs/intro.html It is bound by and Apache license, so you could incorporate it without troubles. With the help of OpenSubdiv or not, 3DC would benefit greatly from a more advanced subdivision-assisted workflow. P.S. Subdivs are also an industry standard for animated characters, so a quick and valid retopo-mesh subdiv preview would also be a great plus for 3DC as taking part in different movie companies' pipelines. P.P.S. If you need a pair of hands to implement the feature, I'm also bounty-hunting as a programmer and open for cooperation.
  5. Hi at all As the topic says, i have problems to sculp sharp edges. I have tested some stuff, but i cant figure it out, how that does work. Lets take the basic cube. After some subdivision and smoothing, you get rounded edges. But how could i sculp that edges sharp? The best way as far as i see, is the cut off, but what should i do when i wont cut the surface because i would keep it? With the Pinch tool, i could create sharp edges, but they create some ugly artefacts near the corner, it is not a plane shape after the usage. Any help would be nice. Regards Malo
  6. I'm finding that using Del Edges in the Retopo room, while holding down CNTL allows me to remove an edge loop, but leaves the vertices in place. This forces all quads along that edge to become NGons.
  7. Hello all Im new to 3D Coat but have been using 3DS Max for several years, so i have a good understanding of 3D. I can not see the edges faces in retopology on any model i have made so far, "see attached image" Im thinking it something as simple as a setting i have missed or pressed/clicked by mistake, Can anyone help me fix this problem so i can get back to studying the program. Thank you for your time
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