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Mesh deteriorates over time?

Gary Dave

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V 4.5.19


Obviously I'm not suggesting that my mesh is breaking down the longer I stay in 3dc, BUT... something very funky is going on.


For context, these particular mesh pieces haven't been worked on. I created them via vox-layer and they are separate from the base piece that I've been working on tonight. I'm 90% sure when I created them they were fine, and I loaded up my earliest save to see if this "corruption" was still present, it was... but only very little. So it definitely got worse, somewhere, somehow.


Image of it currently:




And here's what it looked like from an earlier save: (You can see it's mostly fine, the but the left most panel is showing some oddness that was NOT present on creation.




The only work I've been doing tonight is hiding and "object-ify hidden" on a completely different mesh to the one that I'm showing here.


Annnd lastly, I think my other mesh pieces might be on their way out too, I can't tell... it could be a shader related thing (PicMat_RedWax) as I know that has some funky stuff when you zoom in, but I'm not zoomed in, those weird "mesh broken" artifacts actually appear to exist everywhere in my scene when viewing my model as a whole.




Anyone know what's going on? I've tried resampling, using mesh doctor, switching to voxel/surface and back. Can't seem to fix it, and as for the original vox-layer mesh pieces above, those can't be fixed, but I'd love to know why they're going weird on me.


It seems to get progressively worse the more I use VoxHide and Object-Ify Hidden, despite the fact that I'm not using it on any of the pieces shown above.

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Bumpy bump.


I'm beginning to suspect that the problem is related to remnants of the vox-layer's freeze/selection functionality. Despite the fact that I used vox-layer to create these pieces, and have not used vox-layer ON these pieces, I noticed little patches of dark grey on the mesh from time to time, that went away when I pressed Ctrl + D while on that layer. Again, I should note... I was not using vox-layer on these pieces, there's no reason why any portion of it should be "frozen", let alone random little patches. I have also not used "through all volumes" while using vox-layer.


So, the current theory, is that remnants of the freeze/selection from vox-layer are appearing where they shouldn't, and that when a mesh/layer has little patches of frozen geometry, it starts to go "wonky" when using the VoxHide + Object-ify Hidden, despite not using ANY of these tools on the layer that's getting "corrupted over time"

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I can't seem to re-create it, but I think I've stumbled onto a different issue.


"Object-ify Hidden" seems to remember previously un-hidden geometry, and will still turn them into objects when using Hide + Objec-ify Hidden again. Maybe a quick video will better explain this. It could be normal behaviour, but it shouldn't be!



Apologies, it didn't record my cursor which makes this a bit weird. But here's what's happening:

Hide and "object-ify hidden" 2 blocks from the main cube.

- creates new layer for the new objects

Hide and "object-ify hidden" a few blocks from the bottom of the main cube

- creates new layer for the new objects and also the blocks from before.


Then, WITHOUT using VoxHide again, go to "Object-ify Hidden" and it still pumps all of the previous 2 selections into a new layer.


So it seems to not be forgetting that it's already unhidden some hidden selections.


Perhaps this is related to my earlier issue in some way, and that maybe I've accidentally been merging meshes ontop of each other, causing all sorts of little chaos?

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Ah right, interesting.


I can't test it now, will have to wait til after work, but when you perform an Object-ify Hidden, it automatically switches to the Transform tool, so this should be clearing the cache in theory? Unless switching to the transform tool doesn't count?

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