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The Use of RGB Cavity in 3DCoat 2021


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Starting from 3DCoat 2021.53 the RGB cavity was introduced as the default calculation method in Texturing.

This is a very significant feature for the PBR Painting over the Texture/Mesh.

The reference model is XTZ DT-20 tractor, thanks to the manufacturer for your kind permission to use it !

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The video demonstrate how the improved cavity technology works. This is improved technology already called the RGB cavity. 


First you need to make sure that the RGB cavity version is enabled, to do this go to the Edit >Preferences go to the Tools section and select use RGB cavity as the default cavity calculation method.

  • After enabling the function go to the Texture Menu then select the Calculate Curvature option. In order of the Calculation to be make you need to wait a bit.
  • Now we can see how a Cavity map (RGB) appeared in the layers.



- We see that in the new technology the map looks like a lot of color 


The map must be closed by default now let's create smart material to see how it works.

- First you need to add Conditions to Degree value (more on convex like example) to see "vase" options.

- Focus on a new edit icon -it looks like a vase-, this was added and did not exist before and it is with the spin edges that the update function is configured. 


It is the additional cavity width: The 0 value means that the cavity is taken from the materials settings as-is. 

Values less mean sharper cavity, more than 0.5 - widening of the cavity. Or course you need a RGB cavity layer in the scene to vary the cavity width.

It works only on such conditions: more on concave, more on convex, less on concave, less on convex, more or flat and more on curved (you can use any of these modes) 


- The new parameter is responsible for the radius cavity. It is also affected by degree and contrast adjustments.



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  • 9 months later...


Did you do this step ?

First you need to make sure that the RGB cavity version is enabled, to do this go to the Edit >Preferences go to the Tools section and select use RGB cavity as the default cavity calculation method.

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I have updated to the latest version, but still do not see this 'vase' option to adjust the cavity depths after generating the RGB Cavity map. I outlined the area in red. I'm not sure if I'm missing a step when creating a new smart material, but it's not there for me. This model is not unwrapped, I'm vertex painting this sculpt in surface mode, not sure if that has anything to do with it?


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