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Fix 3D Connexion axis & Q.W.E.R. Convention...


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Hey Andrew, LJB brought up a good point in one thread about the need to lock the Orbiting axis to the Y for 3DConnexion devices, using World Space coordinates (I use the Space Pilot...and it's this support that helped me decide to buy into 3DC). Sometimes, even when I put my cursor on the model, it's still awkward and takes more fiddling with it than it should. It's very smooth and predictable in 3ds Max...not so much in 3DC.

2) Trying to get to grips with the program is still a bittersweet endeavor. There are a lot of features I stumble upon that make me grin...yet at other times, it gets downright aggravating. Some of the most elementary things are not easy to find or don't work very intuitively. My request is to have SIMPLE TRANSFORM AND SELECTION ICONS somewhere in the upper toolbar...just like Max and other 3D applications.

Perhaps right next to the navigation and lighting controls. I cannot emphasize enough, having to find the simplest of tools buried somewhere in a menu and then trying to figure exactly how they work, is frustrating for anyone new to program. Can you PLEASE (using Max as an example) employ the standard QWER convention, so people from other applications can dive in without all the aggravation? And PLEASE make these available in each (applicable) room, so it's uniform throughout the entire workflow.

We should be able to easily click the icon or keyboard shortcut to select an object....AND DELETE IT WHEN WE HIT THE DELETE KEY. This is so simple, any other means is not only unintuitive, but unnecessary.


Q _Select




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I requested icons and drop down menus back in May. I find it a pain to have to go into (Window > Popups) to get layers, masks and shaders etc. When a simple "Drop Down" menu on the top toolbar could so easily access all of these options. I agree select, move, rotate and scale icons would be very helpful on the dock. :)

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Why WER and not TYH?
I'm sure if Andrew went with this, that you'd be able to customize it that way, but the QWER is an industry standard. LW likes to do things different from everyone else and that's fine...it's just more users would be used to QWER. Having the icons there is the main thing. It just seems so unintuitive to open the program up and struggle to find out how to simply select the object and move, scale, rotate it. This is simple as ABC and 123...yet it is obscure and hidden in 3DC.

I wish Andrew would focus in simplify the things that should be simple, before moving on to the next wiz-bang feature...you shouldn't have to dig through pages and pages, tutorial after tutorial just to figure out how to select an object and delete it

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about the axis thing, What i dont get (and this is the thing that really bugs me) is that is you use the standard navigation Tablet or mouse and ALT key you get the exactY Axis locked rotation that we require. So how difficult can it be to lock the axis to Y in world space for use with the Connexion device when we have it already with normal navigation.

Cheers. I also think that the SRT transform options should behave like AbnRanger suggests, but lets make them with the abillity to choose the hotkey eh? I personally prefer W- Translate, E- Scale and R for rotate, cos i use Q for a bunch of other things. so a hotkey modifier would best suit this functinality so as people could choose there poisen.

- leigh

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Find a better video to illustrate 3D Connexion problems HERE.
Thanks LJB for taking the time to explain it...yeah, it is a bit tricky using it in 3DC compared to doing so in Max. Wasn't sure why, so that explains it. And I hope Andrew can chime in on this soon.

It's a bug as far as I'm concerned...not really a feature request. It's a problem we're asking for a resolution to...not an additional feature we'd like to see. Maybe posting the issue in the Bugfix section will get Andrew's attention more quickly.

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