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Old Barn Pulley


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I'm pretty new to 3D in general, but 3D Coat has been quite impressive and a lot of fun so far.

So this is really my first 3D object ever (aside from following a couple/few tutorials in Hexagon).

The voxel sculpting is really what pulled me in but I wanted to try to do this pulley, which so far has used primitives more than anything.

Still, enjoyed doing this even though a lot more work is needed to finish it up.

Have a feeling it would have taken a lot less time to this point had I known what I was doing.

Will try to finish this up and post some more images.


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Got some more worked on this evening.

Now that the modeling is primarily done, however, I'm not really sure what to do next.

Time to paint it but I'm a bit confused about how to go about doing so...

Time to hit the tutorials & such.

Here are a couple more images.

Take care,





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May need some assistance as I go on this one. :unsure:

So I believe that after I've created my voxel model, I need to head over to the retopology room, yes? (any advice as to why or why not would be great).

With the ultimate goal of painting the object and transferring it into another program where a complex scene has been constructed.

Do I want to keep the surface shape as exact as possible as in the second image (Retopo 2) or simply cover small details? (Retopo 1) What would be the benefits & drawbacks?

Thanks again,




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May need some assistance as I go on this one. :unsure:

So I believe that after I've created my voxel model, I need to head over to the retopology room, yes? (any advice as to why or why not would be great).

With the ultimate goal of painting the object and transferring it into another program where a complex scene has been constructed.

Do I want to keep the surface shape as exact as possible as in the second image (Retopo 2) or simply cover small details? (Retopo 1) What would be the benefits & drawbacks?

Thanks again,


It depends on it's use in the final app. Those are deep holes and would benefit from the greater definition if close ups were needed but you could use auto-topology and merge for Micro Vertex to export a Deformation map for a simpler UV map..

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