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Andrew Shpagin

3DCoat Developer
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Everything posted by Andrew Shpagin

  1. If possible, please send me the scene where the info is lost. In all known cases losing the info happens because of incomplete saving due to reboot or crash. Generally, very soon I plan to make the system that reports if there is risk of loosing the information.
  2. If you open an older project, the project's scale will be used. Only the new scene uses the fixed scale.
  3. This is really big and important area. And this gap was not filled for a long time. In addition, there will be the possibility to sculpt and paint simultaneously.
  4. It is in gradual development process, most focus now is bugfix and stability, but gradually volumetric painting will work completely. The roadmap: - correct transition surface<-->voxels that keep colors. It is super important, especially to fix scan errors, voxels are superior for this purpose, so this is "must have" routine. - now only paint/airbrush/pencil/eraser + pen/lasso over surface or slice are working. But gradually all will work clone, smudge, curves, text, transform, picture. - the support of res+, resample, proxy should be done as well. - export in volumetric format. This feature is not announced too loudly because it is still in process. But even on the current stage it works relatively good and fast. Btw, this is slice option:
  5. Looks like the driver issue because 3d-coat does not control viewport locking, it is controlled by 3dconnexion driver. Please update driver, uncheck 4.xx mode in preferences.
  6. Bugfix is always first priory. But I may fix only if I may reproduce. Seems I have not understood what happens. If someone may reproduce, please help.
  7. Space does not influence when you drag pose selection. But it allows you to enter numerical values if you drag gizmo. So all seems correct there.
  8. Please describe it a bit more. I don't understand "infinite influence in the screen depth direction".
  9. I am back, healthy, and alive, regardless on speed Continuing to work! Are there any hotkeys issues in last build?
  10. There will be the build 95 with set of corrections, tomorrow I will go to short vacation (snowboarding, mountains, fresh air for the brain) till Saturday. The 95 seems to be stable, but I will not set it officially as stable before vacation.
  11. Converting Normals->displacement is a challenging task. I know how to recover, it is used in materials, you may pick normal and get displacement, but it is much more difficult for uv-mapped models. I think there is no software that can do this. Some day I will implement it, but now it is not done.
  12. I think 3DCoat has very flexible brushing system to mimick all familiar ZB brushes. Could be good to make "mimick" pack. So, that is good idea)
  13. I don't recommend VS because all what you will get is slower sculpt/paint. GPU is intended to work, why is it problem?
  14. Relax is now approx same speed as the cuda relax before. But no cuda used, the shaders calculations used instead for the better cross-compatibility.
  15. So, you press SHIFT, mouse down, move, mouse up, SHIFT up, and quad appears? In sphere tool? Or in all native voxel tools?
  16. please run coat, exit in minute or half, send me docs/3DCoat2021/log.txt And move mouse constanlly during the process
  17. What is smoothing %? And no problem about harsh, I always look only constructive part
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