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Metin Seven

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    visualizer • illustrator • 3D designer ─ metinseven.nl

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  1. Metin Seven

    MetinSeven.nl works

    Creations by Metin Seven, freelance 3D modeler and illustrator based in the Netherlands.
  2. Any news about improved Apple Silicon support in 3D-Coat for macOS? Thanks!
  3. I've mentioned it to my 2,559 followers on Mastodon. Hopefully it will result in some sales.
  4. I'm working with 3D-Coat again, after being away for a while, and I just want to state how much I love it. The program itself is a work of art. So many useful tools and options, the possibilities are virtually limitless. And the freedom of voxel sculpting is a delight.
  5. Good to read that you've got an Apple Silicon Mac now, @SERGYI! I hope you will be able to solve the AngelScript issue soon.
  6. Just installed 3DC again (version 2023.33 on Windows), but I can't select anything beneath Relax Standard as a Shift or Control + Shift option from the dropdowns. When I try to select Smart Pinch or Super Relax, I keep getting Relax Standard. ─ Edit: Restarted, and now it works. Maybe it was caused after restoring my custom workspace.
  7. Added SDF Blender plugin (for Godot Engine) to the initial post.
  8. I'm also not using poly modeling tools anymore. It would be great if 3D Coat's primitives could get SDF-like realtime blending and Booleaning (or an SDF Modeling Room, although @Elemeno disapproves of that ).
  9. He hasn't stopped using ZBrush, but spends most of his time sculpting in VR using Substance 3D Modeler. Have a look at what he makes with Substance 3D Modeler in VR: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/39EBkB https://www.artstation.com/artwork/yD44y9 I'm no coder, but from what I've understood, the math exists of not very complex formulas. Maybe it's the interactions between the shapes that's the hard part, but I don't think it would take years to develop by 3D Coat's highly skilled 3D graphics specialists. I expect it to be an exciting challenge for them. There's a Junior Technical Artist who is developing an SDF add-on via Blender's Python API: https://80.lv/articles/an-upcoming-plug-in-that-adds-tools-for-sdf-modeling-to-blender/ Anyway, I would very much welcome SDF or an SDF-like workflow in 3DC.
  10. Thanks for your support. I've been working with MagicaCSG since its first release, supporting the developer via Patreon, and by doing so you've got access to the latest beta versions. I really love the ease of use and the many 'happy accidents' you encounter because you tend to experiment much more in such a real-time, non-destructive environment. I predict that SDF modeling is going to get more popular the next few years, and would advise the 3D Coat developers to at least consider implementing it as a new Room. Adobe has already jumped on the SDF ship with their Substance 3D Modeler, and a friend of mine, who has always been a die-hard ZBrush modeler, is only working with Substance 3D Modeler in VR these days. Those who haven't experienced SDF modeling yet, I suggest to at least try it for a while, before disapproving of my suggestion and defending 3D Coat, because there's no need to defend 3D Coat. SDF would just be a welcome addition to make our beloved 3D Coat even more powerful, and keep up with the developments in the 3D world. My two cents.
  11. Have a look at the SDF works Mikko Sinisalo made and rendered with MagicaCSG (videos are best viewed on Twitter for better quality): Every single element you see is non-destructive and can be altered or removed at any time. Here you can see how he added textures in 3D Coat:
  12. Yes, but it is the real-time shaping that makes SDF so powerful. The real-time blending while you transform an element makes it easy to experiment without trial and error, undo and redo. Have you worked with an SDF editor? Then you know the added value compared to traditional sculpting.
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